
User talk:Chihonglee


Hi! I’m Chi Hong Lee, a primary six student of Kau Yan School. Today, I am going to share with you about me.

There are four members in my family, my dad Ringo, my mom Clara, our helper Evelyn and me. I was happy and cheerful when I was small because my parents always played with me. But when I got older, Ihave to go to school and I have less time to see them but we still play together.

In my spare time, I like chatting with my friends and playing piano, but what I most enjoy is reading since it can enrich my knowledge as well as my thinking skills.

I also love building “LEGO” which is a kind of block made from plastic, because I can express my creativity when I am playing “LEGO”. Also, my ambition, to become a successful architect, was come from “LEGO”. In order to achieve this aim, I will read more books about architecture and I will study hard at school.

Especially as a primary six student, I need to concern which secondary school is most suitable for me. The one I expect should not only concern her students about academic results but also their conducts and overall development. Of course, I also hope that this school can help me entering into the University of Hong Kong for I know that many famous architects come from her.

Before becoming successful, I know that I will face a lot of challenges. However, I am confident I can overcome all the difficulties. I understand that persistence is one of the keys to success, but I will never give up my aim.

I have a lot of friends at school, such as Nick, Edwin, Lanus and Samuel. We always play together. If someone is sad, we will comfort him. If someone is sick, we will pray for him.

At last, I would like to share with you about my unforgettable experience this year. In November, I went to Singapore with my friends to learn about different cultures in different countries. In the past, I did not like being in a plane but after the flight to Singapore, I have found out that it is not that horrible to be in the sky.