
Template:Additional citation needed



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This is a variant of {{Citation needed}}, used inline in the article where a claim requires one or more additional sources. This most often arises when:

  1. the citation provided is to a weak source (primary, tertiary, vague, low-quality) but the claim is not dubious enough to delete outright, and the imperfect source should be retained (e.g. because it was the first to report on the matter and this is significant); or
  2. the claim is one ("several studies demonstrated ...", "various newspapers reported ...", etc.) that requires multiple sources (or a single source, which has not yet been provided, that summarizes multiple prior sources and makes the same multi-source claim Wikipedia is repeating).

If the citation simply needs to be replaced, use {{Better source}}.

Otherwise, this template is used the same as the parent template.



Additional citation needed模板数据

This template can be used inline where a claim requires one or more additional sources. For example when the claim is one that requires multiple sources ("several studies demonstrated ...", "various newspapers reported ...", etc.)


Month and yeardate

Provides the month and year of the additional citation request; e.g., 'January 2013', but not 'jan13'




Template:Inline tags

Category:Inline citation and verifiability dispute templates英语Category:Inline citation and verifiability dispute templates Category:Templates that add a tracking category英语Category:Templates that add a tracking category