





Bem-vindo ao Brasil —欢迎来到巴西!巴西(全称:巴西联邦共和国)是南美洲最大、世界第五大国家,位于南美洲的中东部。基本上所有其他的南美洲国家都和巴西接壤,但巴西和这些国家差别也许有些大。比如,南美洲大部分地方都说西班牙语,巴西的官方语言却是葡萄牙语。巴西有超过2亿人口,全国分为26个州和一个联邦区(首都巴西利亚)。因为巴西幅员辽阔,一般将其分为五个地理区:北部、东北部、东南部、南部和中西部。




巴西的国旗底色为绿色,中间有一个黄色菱形图案,菱形中又有一个绘有27颗星星的蓝色圆圈。中央的条纹上写有葡萄牙语 ordem e progresso,意思是“秩序与进步”。巴西的国家颜色,绿色和黄色,代表葡萄牙皇室。巴西曾有世界上最大的金矿。蓝色代表的是里约热内卢的天空。











One beautiful beach in the Northeastern area. This is Boa Viagem Beach. The northeastern region was the first part of Brazil to be inhabited by Europeans, and is sometimes called the heart of Brazil. Some of the oldest cities in the country are there, especially on the coast. The area's beautiful shores attract people from every part of the world. Salvador and Fortaleza are typical cities of the northeastern region. In Salvador the people have invented many dances and musical rhymes for the many festivals which are held year round.


A Carnival is a public parade, combining some elements of a circus and public street party. Carnival is a Catholic tradition, and is celebrated throughout most of South America, but is biggest and most famous in Brazil, especially in Rio de Janeiro. The celebrations start forty days before Easter, and run for four days. Every region celebrates Carnival in a different way. In Salvador many thousands of people cram the streets to listen to and dance to the trios elétricos. Trios elétricos are giant trucks with a band playing on. In Rio de Janeiro there are Escolas de Samba, which means "Samba schools" – but in these schools the people don't learn to samba, they work all year preparing a big show like an opera: the Samba Schools Parade. In Recife and Olinda, people go to streets to follow the frevo and maracatu bands like the Galo da Madrugada (Rooster of the Dawn), the largest Carnival group in the world.


里約熱內盧的耶穌基督像,在葡萄牙語中稱為Cristo Redentor(救世基督像)

东南部地区是巴西的商业中心和人口集中地。巴西两大城市,圣保罗和里约热内卢都在东南部。圣保罗是巴西第一大城市,人口超过2千万。People living in São Paulo are called Paulistanos. Rio de Janeiro is also a very big city but not as big as São Paulo, with only 10 million inhabitants. The people who live in Rio (called Cariocas) are very proud of their city because it is so beautiful. Rio de Janeiro has some famous beaches, which have been mentioned in many songs and films. 里约热内卢在葡萄牙语的意思是“一月河”。里约热内卢位于海湾边,当初葡萄牙人发现这里时正处一月,他们又认为这是一处河口,因此取名“一月河”——里约热内卢。



巴西南部与其他地方相比风格迥异。气候更加凉爽,大部分居民是意大利、德国等欧洲国家人的后裔。In some cities people still speak the languages of those countries along with Portuguese. The gaúcho is a kind of cowboy from southern Brazil: he rides his horse through the Pampas, large fields of cattle breeding. Nowadays, however, a gaúcho (or gaúcha, if female) is anyone born in Rio Grande do Sul, regardless of living in the city or in the country.



巴西中西部人口稀少。The large fields of Cerrado are the place for big plantations of soy and cattle breeding. In central-west Brazil we find Brazil's capital, Brasília, a city constructed in the middle of the last century with street patterns shaped like an airplane! Brasília is also located near the exact center of Brazil's territory. In the central-west area there is also the Pantanal, probably the largest wetlands in the world (it is about half the size of France), where a great range of different kinds of birds, fish, mammals, reptiles and others beings live.




葡萄牙人第一次来到巴西时,他们把那里叫做 Ilha de Vera Cruz (真十字架之岛),因为他们觉得巴西是一个岛屿。后来他们发现巴西并不是个岛的时候,他们又改称 Terra de Santa Cruz (圣十字架之地)。再后来他们在巴西发现了一种能把布料染成红色的树,他们把这种树称为 pau-brasil, pau 意思是木棒, brasil 源自 brasa ,意思是余烬(没有烧完的木头)。所以,巴西的名字是从树名 pau-brasil巴西红木)来的。


1808年,葡萄牙国王若昂六世为了躲避法国拿破仑的军队,将政府迁往巴西,并将里约热内卢作为葡萄牙的临时首都。Even after the government officially moved back to Portugal, Rio de Janeiro was thought to be a co-capital of the empire for many years, and had a significant influence on the people of Portugal.

1822年,巴西从葡萄牙独立,建立巴西帝国,葡萄牙摄政王佩德罗一世And the Portuguese Prince-Regent (next in line to become king of Portugal) Pedro I became Brazil's Emperor. Later on, his son, Pedro II, was chosen the second Emperor. During these times Brazil had to fight wars against its neighbors, Argentina and Paraguay, to avoid any invasion.


From a small land bordering the Atlantic Ocean, Brazil grew to be an immense country, especially when some people found gold in Minas Gerais and Goias, far away from the coast, and when Brazil started to take latex from the Amazônia.


巴西曾在20世纪有过两次独裁政府时期, which is a type of government that gets a lot of power and turns against the people. When under dictatorships, Brazilians that opposed the government experienced hard times of censorship and cruelty. Today Brazil is a free country, where people are able to vote for President and express themselves with no fear. In late 2010, Brazil elected its first female president, Dilma Rousseff, who took office in January of 2011.




Brazil may have more different types of animals than any other country in the world. This is because Brazil is such a large country with many different forests that are dense with living things. All of Brazil is warm and some of Brazil is very rainy. There are two huge forests in Brazil. The Amazon rainforest and the Atlantic forest. Both of these forests are shrinking because people cut the trees down for lumber and also to clear the land for farming and ranching.



巴西资源丰富多样。There are iron mines that produce iron to make into steel. Brazilians also grow coffee, soybeans, and fruit. They manufacture airplanes and cars and electrical equipment. There is also a lot of tourism and eco-tourism in Brazil. (They are known for one of the countries making the most coffee in the world) Lately, Petrobras, Brazil's largest oil company is offshore drilling along the continental shelf, it is moving Brazil from being nearly 100 percent dependent on foreign oil imports toward becoming a net oil exporter in the next few years.










巴西有許多著名的人物,其中一些可以說是婦孺皆知。享譽世界的足球運動員“球王”贝利,就來自於巴西。還有埃尔顿·塞纳,這位赛车手曾在1988, 1990, 1991年三度夺得一级方程式的世界冠军。