


believe in 確信,信任,信仰,主張

believe one’s ears 相信所聽到的話

make believe 假裝

2.以 blow為中心的詞組

blow about 吹散

blow away 吹走

blow off 吹掉,吹散,吹滅

blow out吹滅,走氣

blow up 爆炸,放大(照片),發脾氣

give sb. a heavy blow 給某人以沉重打擊


break away from  脫離,逃離,打破

break down vt.破壞,粉碎,瓦解vi.出故障拋錨,衰弱

break in  闖進,打斷;使順服

break into  闖入;強行進入;突然開始

break out  爆發,發生;準備使用;起錨

break the law  違反法律

break the record  破記錄

break one’s promise  失言

break off 打斷,斷絕,折斷,突然終止

break open 破開,撬開

break short 中斷,折斷

break through 突破,克服,擠過去

break up  vt.開墾,破碎;解散,分解vi.結束


build … into 把…建設成,把…裝入

build on / upon 建立在…上,依賴,指望

build up 增加,增進,建成,振興

build up to 增加


burst forth 爆發,噴出,忽然出現

burst in 闖進,突然出現

burst into  闖進,突然…起來,突然發出

burst into tears / laughter 嚎啕大哭/放聲大笑

burst out 迸發,爆發,突然發出,大聲叫喊

burst out crying / laughing嚎啕大哭/放聲大笑

6.以 bring為中心的詞組

bring about 導致,引起,促使

bring back 帶回,使回憶,使恢復

bring down 使下降,濃縮,收縮,擊落

bring forth開(花),結(果),發表,宣布,提出

bring forward 提出

bring in 把..帶進來,引進,掙得(收入)

bring into action 使行動起來,使生效

bring into effect/practice 完成,實現,實施,實行

bring into operation 使運轉,將…投入生產

bring into (full) play 發揮,調動,利用

bring sb.into touch with…接觸,觸摸

bring off 完成,救出,使成功,搬走

bring on 導致,引起,使發展,提出(論點)

bring out 拿出,公布,發表,出版,生產

bring through 治癒,使度過困難/危險時期

bring to light 出現,公布,暴露

bring to mind 使想起,回憶起

bring up 撫養,養育,培養,使停止


call at 訪問(某地),停泊在

call away 叫走,把(注意力)轉移開

call for 需要,要求,接(某人),迎,取

call in 召集,收集,請入,引入

call off 取消,下令停止

call on 拜訪(某人),號召

call out 大聲喊,喚起

call to mind 使想起,回憶起

call up 打電話給…,召集,使想起

pay a call at sp. 訪問(某地

pay a call on sb. 拜訪(某人)


carry about 隨身攜帶

carry away 沖走,帶走,沖昏某人頭腦

carry back 拿回,運回,使想起

carry …into effect /practice 執行,實行,實現,完成

carry off 帶走叼走,奪去…的生命,獲得(獎品)

carry on 堅持,繼續,進行

carry out 貫徹,執行,實施,完成

carry through 堅持到底,進行到底,貫徹,完成


be caught doing  被發現做某事

be caught in the rain  淋雨

catch /take fire 着火

be caught in the traffic遭遇交通阻塞

catch a bus/train   趕汽車/火車

catch (a) cold  傷風,感冒

catch on 掛住,明白,理解,受歡迎

catch one’s  word  聽懂某人的話

catch out 發覺,抓住某人的錯處

catch sight of  發現,瞥見

catch sb’s attention引起某人注意

catch the point of 抓住…的要點

catch up with  趕上,追及,追上


check in 報到,登記,投宿旅館

check off 檢驗,清點

check on 檢查,調查

check out 查明,結帳,付款而離開旅館

check up 核對,檢查,檢驗

check with 商議,符合,核對無誤


clear away 掃除,消除

clear off 清除,清理,(雲霧)消散,(雨)停

clear out 清除,掃出

clear through 通過(檢查,批准)

clear up(天)變晴,打掃,消除

make it clear that…使人明白


come about  vi.發生,改變方向

come across  偶爾發現,想起;越過;償付

come along  一道來,陪伴;進步,進展;出現

come at  達到,求得,得到;撲向,襲擊

come back  回來;恢復,復原

come down  倒下;降落;跌落;病倒

come from  來自,起源於,從~~產生,生於

come in  進來,進入;流行起來;獲名次

come into being  發生,產生,出現,形成

come into power  開始執政,當權,當選

come into effect/ force開始生效,開始實行

come into existence形成,產生,開始存在

come into fashion開始流行

come into operation開始運轉,實施,生效

come into possession of佔有,擁有

come into the possession of被…佔有,被…擁有

come into use  開始使用,獲得應用

come near 接近,不亞於,幾乎,差一點

come off (頭髮,牙齒,紐扣)脫落,離開

come on 上演,開始,趕快;發展;登台;被提出

come out 出來,發芽;出版;結果是;褪色;泄露

come over 訪問,越過

come round/around 拜訪,繞道

come to  甦醒,復原,共計,達到,歸結於,漸漸

come to an agreement 達成協議

come to a conclusion 得出結論

come to a decision 作出決定

come to an end  終止,結束

come to a stop 結束,停止,停頓,

come to an understanding 取得諒解

when it comes to…就…而論,談到

come to know/realize/understand開始了解到/意識到/明白

come to life 甦醒,栩栩如生

come to light 明朗化,出現,顯露出來

come to oneself甦醒

come true  實現,成為現實;證實

come up走近;上樓;流行起來,發芽,上來,(問題)被提出,(風浪)猛烈起來

come upon (偶然)遇見,突然發生


be compared to 被比作,與…相比

be compared with與…相比

beyond /without compare 無可比擬的,無法比較的

compare notes with和…交換意見/商量/核對筆記

compare …to…把..比作,把…與…相比

compare …with…把…與…相比


cross out / off 打消,刪去,除去

cross one’s fingers交叉手指(表祝福)

cross one’s mind想起

cross over橫貫,穿過,交叉

cross sb. in 與某人作對,在…中阻礙某人


a cut above 勝過一籌

a short cut 近路,捷徑

cut a /the record 創造新記錄,打破記錄

cut away 切去,砍掉,逃走

cut down 砍倒,削減,縮短

cut in half / into halves 把…切成兩半

cut in /into/to pieces 把…切碎

cut off 切斷,中斷,剪下,關掉

cut out 切下,剪下,裁下,刪去

cut sth. open 切開,切傷

cut sth.short 縮減,截短,

cut the cost of…減少…的成本

cut through 鑿通,挖通,貫穿

cut up 切碎,齊根切掉,割裂,殲滅


be devoted to 貢獻給,致力於

devote one’s attention to 專心於

devote oneself/one’s life to 獻身於,致力於

devote to獻身於,專心於


be divided by…被…除

be divided on…對於…有分歧

divide sth. among / between…在…之間分配

divide A from B 把A同B分開

divide…into… 把…分成

divide up 分割,瓜分,劃分,分配


be done in  精疲力竭

be done with 完全結束

do a good deed  做一件好事

do the deed 付諸行動,生效

do a telephone interview

do /take a part-time job

do first aid to sb.

do away with  去掉,廢除;弄死;浪費

do /cause damage to 損害

do good to (=do sb. good)  有益於

do harm to (=do sb. harm)  有害於

do its work  有效,有作用

do much  極有用

do sb. right 公平對待,正確批評某人

do wrong to (=do sb. wrong) 做錯

do one’s best / utmost  盡某人最大努力

do one’s homework  做作業

do proud  足以使~~驕傲

do sb. justice  公平對待某人

do some cleaning (V+ing,etc.)  打掃衛生

do sb. a favor /do a favor for sb. 幫助某人

do up 捆,扎,系,扣,收拾,刷新

do well in  學得不錯,幹得漂亮

do with  和~~相處,忍受,處理

do without  不需要…也行,不用

do wonders  創造奇蹟,產生奇特的效果

have to do with  和~~有關係

have much to do with  和~~很有關係

have nothing to do with  與~~無關

have something to do with  和~~有關

in doing so=in so doing  這時,在這種情況下

That will do.  行了;夠了

19.以 drive為中心的詞組

drive away  vi.開車走掉 vt.趕走,驅趕

drive off 驅散

drive out 逐出,乘車出去

drive through 乘車穿過(街道等)

drive sb.mad 使某人發瘋


fall ill /asleep /silent 生病/睡着/沉默

fall back撤退,後退

fall behind 落後,落伍,落在後面

fall down 倒下,落下,掉下,病倒,失敗

fall in love with…愛上(某人)

fall into 陷入,養成,開始,漸漸

fall into a habit of 養成…習慣

fall off 掉下,衰退,減少

fall over 摔倒,落在…上,(頭髮)披在肩上

fall to pieces 破碎,崩潰,瓦解

fall into ruins 成為廢墟

fall to the guound 墜地,失敗,落空


fix a date / time for…為…安排日期/時間

fix up 修理,安裝,安排,建造,提供

fix on / upon 確定,決定

fix one’s eyes on/upon 注視,凝視

fix one’s attention on/upon專心於,把注意力集中在

out of fix (鐘錶)不准,不健全


get about  徘徊,走動,旅行;流傳

get above oneself  自視高傲

get accustomed to  習慣於,對~~習以為常

get across  度過,通過,橫過;說服,使被理解

get ahead of  勝過,超過

get along  前進,進步;同意;離去,相處

get along with  與~~相處

get around 走動,傳播,影響,說服

get at  發現,了解;掌握;攻擊

get away  離開,逃脫,出發,開始度假

get back  取回,回來;報復

get behind  落後;識破

get close to 接近,靠近

get down vt.咽下;寫下;使沮喪,使倒下vi.下來

get down to  認真對待,靜下心來

get familiar with  變得熟悉

get/catch/seize/take  hold of  獲得,取得,抓住

get home  到家

get in  進入,陷入;牽涉

get in touch with…與…取得聯繫

get into/out of debt 欠債/不欠債

get into進入,陷入,養成

get into trouble /a habit of…

get off  送走;脫下(衣服);下車;動身

get on  上車;穿上;進步,使前進;成功;相處

get on/upon with  進步;在~~方面獲得成功

get one’s hand in  熟悉;習慣

get out vi. 擺脫,出去,下車,泄露

get out of  由~~出來,從~~得出;避免;退休

get over  越過;恢復,痊癒;克服;完成

get possession of 佔有,取得…所有權

get ready for  為~~作準備

get rid of  除去,去掉;免除,擺脫

get through  撥通,到達,完成,通過;及格

get together  積聚,積累;商談,取得一致意見

get up  起床,起立;研究,鑽研;致力於;安排

get used to  習慣於

have got to do  不得不,必須


be given to  沉溺於,習慣於,癖好

give about  分配;傳播

give and take  相互遷就,互讓

give away  贈送;犧牲;泄露;頒發

give back  歸還,反射

give cause  給予~~的理由

give ear to  側耳傾聽

give forth  發出,放出;發表

give in  屈服,讓步,投降

give in to  同意,接受;向~~讓步

give off  發出(煙,氣味)

give oneself out as/to be  自稱為

give oneself up to  專心於;向~~自首

give out vt.分發,公布,發出,使筋疲力盡 vi.用完

give place to  讓位於,被~~所替代

give rise to  引起,導致;使~~發生

give sb. to understand  通知某人,使明白

give up  放棄;停止

give way to  讓步,退卻;屈服於

given that…假定,給定,已知


go about走來走去,(謠言等)流傳

go across 度過,越過

go after 追逐,追求,跟隨

go against 反對,不利於

go ahead 前進,進展,繼續

go all about 鼓足幹勁,全力以赴

go along 前進,進行下去

go along with… 陪伴,和…一道走

go around 走來走去,四處走動

go away 離開,走掉

go back 回去,返回,走下坡,追溯

go back to 追溯至

go bad 變壞,腐敗

go beyond 超過,勝過

go by 經過,過去

go dead (電腦)死機

go down 下降,沉沒,垮台,(風等)平靜

go down to 延續到,繼續到

go for 支持,贊成,適用於,去(取,拿)

go for a walk/ride/swim 去(散步,騎馬,游泳)

go forward 前進,進展

go in  進去,(日月等)被雲遮蔽

go in for 喜歡,參加,贊成,從事,為…而努力

go into 進入,參加,調查,從事,深入研究

go off 走開,爆炸

go on 繼續,接下去

go on to do 接着做(另一件事)

go on doing 繼續做(同一件事)

go on with…繼續做,忍受

go out 出去,熄滅,離開,下台,退休

go over 溫習,檢查,越過

go round 拜訪,繞道走,繞…運行

go through 審查,履行,通過,經歷,忍受

go too far 走得太遠,做/說得太過火

go up 上升,上漲,攀登

go well 進展順利

go with 與…相配,和…一道走,同意

go without 無需,沒有…也行

go wrong 出故障,走錯路

have a go 企圖,試圖

want a go 試一試


hold back 隱瞞,阻止,克制,扣留

hold to / by 堅持,固守

hold down 壓制,壓低,縮減

hold off 耽擱,不接近,離開

hold out 伸出,提出,支持,主張

hold up 舉起,豎起,支持,使停滯

hold with 和…意見一致,贊成

catch/seize/get/take hold of 抓住,掌握,獲得

leave/lose hold of鬆手,放棄


insist on / upon堅持,強調,堅決要求

insist that…(注意兩種語氣)


keep at 堅持,不停地做

keep away (from) 不接近,避開,遠離

keep back 阻止,扣留,隱瞞

keep company with…和…結交

keep dark 保守秘密

keep down 縮減,控制

keep doing繼續,不斷地做

keep …from…阻止

keep in 閉門不出

keep in mind 記住

keep in touch with…與…保持聯繫/不斷接觸

keep off 不接近,遠離

keep on doing 繼續,不停地做

keep one’s balance 保持平衡

keep out 使…不入內

keep pace with…跟上,同…步調一致

keep time 合拍子,按時,(鐘錶)走得准

keep to 堅持,固守,遵守

keep up 繼續,堅持,保持,維持

keep up with…趕上,跟上 ,與…並肩前進

keep watch 守望,值班,注意

in good /high keep保存得好

in bad/low keep保存得不好


lay aside 把..放在一邊,拋棄,貯藏

lay down 放下,使躺下,放棄,犧牲

lay off (暫時)解僱,放棄,停止

lay out 花費,投資,不置,打昏


ask for leave 請假

give leave 准假

leave about亂放,亂丟

leave alone 聽任,任其自然

leave…as it is.聽其自然

leave behind 留下,忘記攜帶

leave for (離開某地)去某地

leave out 省去,遺漏,不把…計算在內

leave off 停止,脫去,戒除

leave office 離職,下台

leave over 留下,剩下,延期

leave room for 為…讓出地方

leave school 畢業

leave sth, to / with sb把…交給/留給某人.

leave sb, sth. 把…交給/留給某人

leave word / a message 留言,留信


on leave 休假,請假


look about  四下環顧;查看

look after  照顧,看管

look around  東張西望

look at  注視,着眼於

look back  回顧,回頭看

look back on / upon …回顧

look for  尋找;期待,期望

look down on /upon  俯視;輕視

look forward to  盼望,期待

look in 看望,順便進去望一下

look into  窺視;調查;瀏覽

look like  看起來象

look on /upon  旁觀;面向

look on / upon …as…把…看作

look one’s age 和年齡相稱

look out  向外看;注意;當心,提防

look out for  當心,尋找,搜尋

look over  從上面看過去;檢查,忽略

look through透過~~看去;看穿;瀏覽,徹底調查

look to 面向,注意

look up 查閱,仰視,漲價

look up to  仰望,尊敬


be made from  由~~原料製成

be made (out) of  由~~材料製成

be made up of  由~~組成

make an appointment with sb.與…約定

make a beeline for走直路,走進路,朝…徑直走去

make a difference 有差別,有關係,很重要

make a fool of  愚弄,欺騙

make a mistake  弄錯

make a note of 記下

make a point 闡述觀點

make a point of doing  強調;決心,堅持

make a promise 許諾

make a will 立下遺囑

make advantages/use of  使用,利用

make after  追求,追趕

make believe  假裝

make certain / sure  確信,把~~弄清楚

make contact with  接通,與~~接觸,與~~聯繫

make eyes at…拋眉眼,以目示意

make for  去向,向~~前進;有利於

make friends with  和~~交友

make into  把~~製成,使~~轉變為

make much of  重視;理解;賞識

make one’s mind on sth.  決定某事

make one’s own  當作自己的看待

make oneself at home  隨便,別拘束

make oneself understood 讓別人理解自己

make out  填寫;開支票;理解;辨認

make preparations for為…作準備

make repairs/arrangements/gestures/signs/marks/

choices/remarks/comments/efforts/mistakes/a price

make the best/ most of  儘量利用;極為重視

make towards 向…前進

make up彌補,修理,賠償,起草,編造,化裝,配製,占…比例

make up to   接近,巴結;向~~求愛

make way for   為~~讓路,讓路於

make it 就這麼定了,成功,達到某一特定目標

on the make 急求成功;增加,損人利己追求名利


meet the case 適合,令人滿意

meet the need/demand/requirement of滿足…需要

meet with 偶然碰見,遭受,

meet…by chance/accident偶然碰見

make both ends meet 使收支相抵


be open to 對…開放,易於接受,經不起(誘惑)

open A for B 為B展開/打開A

open to 朝…開,朝向,通向

open up開發,開創,開闢,開墾,吐露真情,打開,展現

with open eyes 睜着眼睛,留神地,吃驚地

with open arms 張開雙臂,熱誠(歡迎)


owe … to…把…歸功於,把…歸因於,

owe much to 多虧了,在很大程度上歸功於

owe it to…that…歸功於,幸虧

owe sb. sth. (=owe sth. to sb.)欠某人…


pass away 去世,(時間)過去

pass by 經過,(時間)過去

pass into 變成,化為

pass on/upon 傳遞,通過

pass out of one’s mind 被人忘掉

pass over 忽視,置之不理

pass through 經歷,經過,貫穿

pass to 傳遞,傳達


pick and choose 仔細挑選,挑挑揀揀

pick off 摘下,逐個地射死

pick on 挑選,挑剔,惹惱

pick one’s way/steps 小心地走路,擇路而行

pick one’s words精選用詞

pick out 挑出,辨別出

pick up 接(某人),接收,獲得,搭載,收拾,恢復,爬起,撿起,學會,認識

pick up with…結識,與…交朋友


pull/make/wear a long face 拉長臉,不高興

pull about 把…拖來拖去,虐待

pull apart 拉開,扯斷,嚴加批評

pull away 拖出,離開

pull down 拉下,拉倒,推翻,拆毀,使(價格)下降,使體質減弱,賺取

pull in  (車船)抵達, 節省(費用), 縮減(開支)

pull off 脫(衣,冒),完成,獲得成功

pull on 穿,戴,繼續拉

pull out 駛出,拔出,離開

pull sb’s leg 取笑某人

pull through 克服困難,脫離危險

pull sth. to pieces 把…拆散,撤碎

pull up 拔起,阻止,使停下

pull up with/to 追上,趕上

pull (the) wires/strings 在幕後操縱,走後門


at one push 一口氣

bring to the push 使陷絕境

push against 推,推撞

push forward/along 把…腿向前,繼續進行

push aside/away 推開,排除

push back 退回,推回

push down 向下推

push in 推進,向岸靠攏

push off 起程,離開

push on 奮力向前,推進

push one’s way擠過去,奮力向前

push out 推出,長出

push over 推倒

push through 促成,完成,穿過,擠過

push up 向上推


put aside   把~~放在一邊;擱置;排除

put away   把~~放好,把~~收拾;儲藏;

put back   把~~放回原處;撥回

put down   放下;鎮壓;記下;削減;降落

put an end to 結束,終止,廢除

put faith in 相信,信任

put forward   提出;撥快;建議,推薦;提倡,

put in 駛入,進入

put…(down) in writing 把…寫下來

put ~~ into  把~~放入;插入;翻譯成

put…into use應用

put…into practice把…付諸於實踐

put…into action把…付諸於實踐,實施,使生效

put…into effect把…付諸於實踐,實施,使生效

put…into operation 將…投入生產,實施,開動

put…into production將…投產,開始生產

put off   推遲,延期;消除;推脫,脫下

put on上演,穿上,戴上,增加,撥快(鐘錶),推薦

put one’s heart into   全神貫注,專心致志

put out 熄滅,伸出,拿出,製造,刺殺

put through 完成,(電話用語)撥通,使穿過

put to (good) use  (充分)利用

put up   舉起,掛起;提名,推薦;陳列

put up with   忍受,容忍

40.以refer 為中心的詞組

refer to 指,提及,參考,查閱

be referred to 和…有關,歸功於,被提交…處理

refer oneself to…依賴,求助於

refer to…as…把…稱做,認為…是…


rely on/upon 依靠,信賴,


remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事

remind sb. of…使某人想起/回憶起

remind sb. that…提醒某人……


ring off 掛斷電話

ring the bell 敲鐘,搖鈴

ring up 打電話給…

ring back回電話

give sb. a ring 給某人打電話


see after 照料,照顧

see into 識透,調查

see out 送某人到門口/屋外,

see off  送行

see through 看透,識破,支持(某人)到底

see to 照顧,處理,注意

see to it that…照料,努力使,注意把

seeing that…因為,鑑於,既然

as far as Isee 據我所了解/看到的


sell off 廉價出清(存貨)

sell out 賣完,背叛

sell up 變賣,拍賣

sell well 暢銷,好賣

sell by retail 零售

sell by whole-sale 批發


send away 解僱,趕走,把…送往遠處

send down 把…向下發送,開除,降低(價格,溫度)

send for 派人去叫/請/拿

send off 發出,寄出,解僱,送別

send out 發出,散發,長出(樹葉等)

send up 發射,使上升,向上傳遞

send word 通知,轉告,捎信


a set of 一套,一副,一部

be set in 以…為背景

set about (doing)着手,開始

set an example to sb.給某人樹立個榜樣

set aside 取消,放在一邊,放棄,忽視,拒絕

set back 把(鐘錶)往回撥

set down 放下,卸下,登記,記載

set down to 歸於,認為是由於

set fire to (= set…on fire) 放火燒毀

set forward 把(鐘錶)撥快,出發

set free 釋放(某人)

set off  vi.出發 vt.使爆炸,撥出(錢等)

set one’s hand to 着手做,從事

set one’s heart / mind on/upon專心於,渴望

set out vi.出發 vt.開始,着手(to do),布置,發表

set up 建立,設立,開辦,引起(疾病等)


shut down (=close down)關閉,倒閉,停工,歇業

shut in  關進去,禁閉,使中止,壓制

shut off 關掉,切斷

shut one’s eyes/ears to…拒絕去看/聽

shut one’s heart to… 對…不動心

shut one’s mind to…死不答應

shut one’s teeth 要緊牙關

shut out 關在外面,排除(可能性)

shut up 關閉,密封


stick in the mud 陷入泥中,墨守成規


stick out 突出,伸出,顯眼

stick to 堅持,忠於,粘到…上


a suit of  一套,一副

be suited for doing

(=be suited to do) 配(做),適於

be suited to / for…適合於

suit all tastes 人人合口味,人人中意

suit oneself 隨自己意願

suit the action to the word 使言行一致

suit …to…使適合於,使適應

suit with…與…相稱


be taken aback  吃驚

take a chance / an opportunity碰運氣,抓機會

take a seat  就坐

take a shower  淋浴,洗澡

take advantage of 利用,乘…之便

take after 仿效,與…相似

take aim  瞄準,設立目標

take away  拿走,減去;奪去

take back  收回,取消

take sp.by surprise  出奇制勝,突襲

take sb.by surprise 使驚訝

take care of當心,注意;照顧;提防;謹慎;處理

take care to do 務必做,留心做

take cold 感冒,受寒

take ~~ for/as…把~~當作

take charge of  負責,主管

take down 取下,記下,佔領,拆毀,病倒

take effect 生效,起作用

take fire 着火

take … for example 以…為例

take … for granted 認為…理所當然(不成問題)

take hold of 抓住,掌握

take in 吸收,接納,欺騙,輕信,領會

take into 駛入,信任

take…into account / consideration 考慮,重視

take it / things easy 別緊張,從容

take measures / steps 採取措施

take notes 記筆記

take notice of 注意,留心

take off  vt.脫去,除去;vi.起飛,起程,成功,成名

take office就職,上任

take on 呈現,僱傭,承擔,擔任

take one’s place就坐,入坐,代替

take one’s temperature量體溫

take one’s time(to do) 慢慢做

take out 拿出,取出,去除,取得(專利權)

take over 接管,接任,接收

take part in參與,參加

take part with 袒護,支持

take place發生,舉行

take possession of 佔有,擁有

take the place of代替

take the shape of 呈/取….的形狀

take the size of 量….的尺寸

take pride in以~~為榮,對~~驕傲


take sb. by the arm    拉某人的胳膊

take sb.in one’s arms 擁抱某人

take turns(to do) 輪流做

take up for 袒護

take up with 致力於,忍受,對…發生興趣


tear at撕,強拉

tear away 撕掉,扯開,磨損

tear A away from B 從B奪走A

tear down 拆毀,扯下,使瓦解,破壞(名譽)

tear in/to/into pieces 把…撕碎

tear in two ..把…撕成兩半

tear off 扯去,扯開

tear out 撕下,拉下

tear up撕掉,撕毀


tell about 講述

tell/know…apart 區別,識別

tell A from B 區別A和B

tell the truth 說實話

tell a lie 撒謊

tell sb.of/about sth.告訴某人某事


think about 考慮

think aloud 自言自語

think highly / well/much/a lot of對…評價很高

think little/ill/nothing of 輕視,看不起

think of 想,想着,想做

think of …as…把…看作

think out 仔細考慮,想通

think over仔細考慮

think through想通

think…to be…認為…是

think to oneself 沉思,暗自想

think up 想出,想通,想起


throw about亂丟,亂花(錢)

throw at 把…投向

throw away 拋棄,浪費,拒絕,錯失(機會)

throw back 扔回,拒絕,反駁,(光線)反射

throw cold water on sb. 對…潑冷水,使氣餒

throw doubt on/upon 對…懷疑

throw down 推翻,拆毀,仍下,拒絕

throw down one’s tools 罷工

throw in 插話,(免費)附送

throw into 使…陷入某種狀態

throw off 擺脫,匆匆脫掉,設法除去

throw oneself into 投身於,積極從事

throw out 扔出,干擾,否決

throw up嘔吐,放棄,舉起,批評,匆匆建造

throw up one’s arms 舉起雙手,投降


try doing/to do 試着做/盡力做

try every means 用各種辦法

try for 企圖獲得,爭取,謀求

try on 試穿

try one’s best盡力

try out 試驗,提煉,參加選拔賽


enjoy the trust of 得到…的信任

have / put trust in 信任

in trust 受託的,代為保管的

take …on trust對…不加考察信以為真

trust on 信賴

trust A to B(=trust B with A)把A委託給B


give a new turn to    對~~予以新的看法

turn away把…打發走,解僱,轉臉不採,使轉變方向

in one’s turn    輪到某人做某事

out of turn    不按次序的,不合適宜的

take one’s turn to do    輪到做

turn a blind eye to    對~~視而不見

turn against    背叛,採取敵對態度

turn back   折回,往回走

turn down   摺疊,翻下,駁回,拒絕考慮

turn into   走進;變成,變為

turn to ~~for help   求助於

turn off   關上,解僱,避開(問題)

turn on   打開;反對;依靠,依賴,取決於

turn one’s attention to  把注意力轉向

turn out   培養;證明是;製成;實際情況是

turn out to be   原來是,證明是,結果是

turn over a new leaf   翻開新的一頁,,改過自新

turn (a)round   旋轉,轉過身來;改變意見;

turn to   變成;着手於

turn upside down   顛倒過來,翻過來


be on watch值班,值勤

keep (a) watch 守望,值班,留心

on the watch (for) 密切注意,看守着,警惕着

watch one’s time /opportunity 等待時機

watch out (for) 當心,監視,注意,提防

watch over 查看,監視,看守

watch one’s weight 留心體重

watch one’s step 當心,留心