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歡迎」對維基教科書做了大致的介紹。 「維基教科書是什麼?」和「中文維基教科書」闡釋了維基教科書的內容,簡而言之,維基教科書是由維基媒體基金會主辦的 自由內容教科書。有關收錄非虛構兒童讀本的維基教科書子計劃維基兒童請見「維基兒童是什麼?」。

FAQFrequently Asked Questions,常問問題)列出了關於維基教科書的一些常見問題。閣下還可以在術語表中查詢維基教科書的術語。


本項目是中文項目,如果您需要其他語言版本,請見維基教科書主頁 。另請參見免責聲明維基教科書項目頁面索引.


For general help see readers' FAQ, and navigating to learn how to navigate Wikibooks. You can search for books using the box below, or the box in the top right corner of every page; click on to enter a search dialog.

Content is first of all divided into departments, which are broad subject areas that are further subdivided into shelves. Shelves are narrow subject areas containing books; click on a shelf to list its books. Shelves may contain subsection shelves. Books usually consist of multiple chapters on pages that can be edited.

A full breakdown of departments into top-level shelves can be found at can be found at Card Catalog Office. The books believed to be the best can also be found at featured books. The Cookbook subproject is sorted separately.

For printing books and offline use, see print versions, PDF versions, and collections. For mobile access, press the mobile view link at the very bottom of every desktop view page.


If you want to contribute, be bold and go for it! Essentially, editing Wikibooks is as easy as clicking the "Edit" link at the top a pages, altering its Wikitext, and saving. But please edit constructively; if you want to practise editing, try the Sandbox.

Contributing help, contributing FAQ, and editing FAQ contain basic information on contributing, and please be aware of the copyrights, media, and neutral point of view policies. If you are wondering how to help out, maintenance has many suggestions.

The books Using Wikibooks and Editing Wikitext are highly recommended for contributors. Pages explains creating, archiving, moving, merging, and deleting pages, as well as namespaces and page discussions. Other help pages for editing include:

  • Editing, the basics of Wikitext editing
  • Categories, the use of categories for sorting pages
  • Files, using media files, such as images, audio, or video
  • Tables, how to construct a table
  • Templates, the use of templates in pages, which are listed at the index
  • Variables, the advanced use of system variables
  • Formulas, how to include mathematical formulae
  • Quizzes, how to include book quizzes
  • Styling, how to style books
  • Importing, how to copy works from one wiki to another

For substantial editing it is recommended that you create and manage an account. Tracking changes has information on monitoring changes to pages. Also see help category.


Wikibooks is governed by a series of rules, called policies and guidelines which apply to all contributors. They include the following:

Pages in Wikibooks draft policies and guidelines category, and useful Wikibooks pages category, may also be helpful.


If you are starting a new book, check it will be within scope and policy, as otherwise it could be deleted. To determine whether a book is within Wikibooks' scope for content, see what is Wikibooks? for the general policy, what is Wikijunior? for Wikijunior books, and Cookbook FAQ for the Cookbook. If you are still unsure, ask at projects reading room.

Special consideration should be given to adhering to the copyrights, media, and neutral point of view policies, and new pages should adhere to the naming policy.

Also see the "Editing Wikibooks" section above, especially contributing help, contributing FAQ, and the book Using Wikibooks. Also of interest is Wikibooks as an aid to teaching, and requested books for new book suggestions.

When starting a new book, consideration should be given as to whether it is better to expand or update an existing book, to avoid redundancy; check the relevant shelves for existing books on the subject.

Newly created books are automatically sorted by the Wikibooks Stacks mechanism, provided the CCO Resources are completed. Newly created pages, and page edits, can be subject to pending changes review.


Queries are answered, and assistance is given, at the various reading room forums. But first check whether your query is answered in FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), such as problems FAQ and administration FAQ. Also see contact us.


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You can browse for books by shelves, categories, alphabetical listings, completion status, or reading level: