
拉丁语/第一课 - 主格



主格(The Nominative Case)




凯萨是罗马的皇帝(Caesar is emperor of Rome.)


凯萨的军队进入了罗马(Caesar's army entered Rome)




拉丁文 中文
magn-us -a -um
bon-us -a -um
mal-us -a -um
puell-a -ae (f.) 女孩
puer (m.) 男孩
māter (f.) 母亲
domin-a (f.) 女主人
domin-us (m.) 主人
lūd-us (m.) 学校
trīclīni-um (n.) 饭厅
templ-um (n.) 寺庙
(ego) sum
(tū) es
(nōs) sumus
(vōs) estis
将是(to be)
(他/她/它) 是*
ambula-t, ambula-nt (他/她/它) 正在走路, (他们/她们) 正在走路
curri-t, curru-nt (他/她/它) 正在跑步, (他们/她们) 正在跑步
nōn 不(否定用副词,加在动词前面)
有些阳性名词的第二变格(declension ),不是以-us结尾,而是以 -r — 像男孩的第二变格是puer,不是puer-us。在这一页的单字里面,只有puer符合这个状况。

在所有表上“是”(to be)的动词,只有谈到estsunt。未来会在提到其他的动词,这边只是让读者稍微熟悉一下。



  • m. = 阳性
  • f. = 阴性
  • n. = 中性
  • 第一类和第二类变格名词至少会提供主格。随着学习进度的推进,我们会逐渐加入属格单数(genitive singular)。虽然属格单数并非严格必要,但你现在应该养成根据属格词干而不是主格来变格名词的习惯。 因此,本章在这一点上可能会稍显误导。)
  • 第三类、第四类和第五类变格名词会提供主格单数和属格单数形式。





英文(中文) 拉丁文
The good boy walks. (这个 男孩在走路。) Puer bonus ambulat.

形容词也可以用在使用be动词的句子里面。be动词仅仅是一个连接性的动词(注:英文文法里面,句子里面一定要有动词),“好男孩”("the good boy")文法上不是一个完整的句子,但是“这男孩是好的”("the boy is good")就是一个完整的句子了。

中文 拉丁文
这男孩 好的. Puer bonus est.




跟名词一样,拉丁文的形容词也是用字尾修饰。大部分形容词使用第一种或者第二种词尾(antiquus -a -um,古老的)有时使用第三种词尾(ferox, ferocis,激烈的)。 这类形容词必须与所形容的名词使用相同的性别、时态、格式,但是不一定是相同词尾

  • 第一类和第二类变格形容词有三种不同的性别。阴性形容词使用第一类变格,阳性形容词使用第二类变格,而中性形容词也使用第二类变格。第一/第二类形容词使用三种性别后缀:-us(m.)、-a(f.)、-um(n.)。这是因为形容词的描述并不限于单一的性别。例如,“善良”这一特质并不局限于某一性别,男孩可以是善良的,女孩可以是善良的,物品也可以是善良的。因此,所有三种性别都适用,我们不会单独标明形容词是“m.”,“f.”或“n.”。

这些形容词通常看起来像是 antiquus (老的,陈旧的):

antiquus (m.), antiqua (f.), antiquum (n.).
  • 第三类变格形容词通常会提供主格单和属格单数形式。然而,这只适用于单一词尾的第三类形容词,因此本章在这一点上可能会造成误导。大多数第三类形容词并没有单独的阳性和阴性形式。(中性形容词则遵循第三类变格的中性词尾模式。)

这些形容词通常看起来像 ferox(大胆的、野蛮的),ferocis(属格单数)。第三类变格名词的主格单数没有固定的词干,而需要通过属格单数确定词干。


For example: Nota bene: In the following examples the -us ending stands for the masculine (m.) gender, the -a for the feminine (f.) gender, and the -um stands for the neuter (n.) gender. So magnus is masculine, magna is feminine and magnum is neuter.

Latin English
Puella bona est. The girl is good.
Dominus bonus est. The master is good.
Templum magnum est. The temple is big.

Bona is an adjective describing a feminine substantive, such as puella.
Bonus is an adjective describing a masculine substantive, such as dominus.


个数 第一词尾 阴性 第二词尾 阳性 第二词尾 中性
单数 puell-a lūd-us triclīni-um
复数 puell-ae lūd-ī triclīni-a

To pluralize most first and second declension nouns, replace the singular suffix with the equivalent plural suffix. All adjectives that describe the noun must be pluralized as well because adjectives must agree in case, number, and gender (but not necessarily declension). With the adjectives given, use first declension with feminine nouns and second declension with masculine nouns. In English we use the same nominative plural endings for words we have borrowed from Latin, so it may be helpful to remember we say one vertebr-a but two vertebr-ae, one radi-us but two radi-ī, and one medium but multi-medi-a.



Verbs in Latin work quite differently than those in English. Study the following table, then view the examples below, though keep in mind that you only need to fully understand the difference between numbers for the time being.

English Latin
Number Only pluralize the noun that is being pluralized, not the adjectives that describe it or the verb that it is performing. All three are pluralized. In this context, singular verbs end in "-t" (est, ambulat), and plural verbs end in "-nt" (sunt, ambulant).
Tense The ending is sometimes changed, though the words surrounding the verb can also be used to denote tense. Consider these examples: "he will walk, he is walking, he walks, he walked". The stem is used to denote the tense, though this will be covered in a future lesson. In this lesson, only the present tense is being taught.
Person The subject of the sentence is used to determine the person. If I am the subject of the sentence, then the sentence is in the first person. If you are the subject, then the second person, and so forth with the third. In this lesson, only the third person is being taught, which refers to anyone other than the speaker or the listener. The stem also denotes the person, though as previously stated, only third person is being taught in this lesson.


注意要配合复数型态的 "triclīnia"时,"magnum"变成"magna"
拉丁语 English
puell-a bon-a es-t. The girl is good.
And to pluralize:
puell-ae bon-ae su-nt The girls are good.
Note that verbs do not have gender, in that they do not change to the gender of the word that they are describing.
Puer bon-us ambula-t. The good boy is walking.
And to pluralize:
Puer-ī bon-ī ambula-nt The good boys are walking.
You will notice that neither the linking verbs "est" nor "sunt" appear in the previous two sentences. The meaning of the linking verbs are assumed in Latin sentences, as their respective meanings already exist in the verb stems.
triclīni-um magn-um es-t The dining room is large.
And to pluralize:
triclīni-a magn-a su-nt The dining rooms are large.




拉丁文 英文
templum magnum est The temple is big.
  • 形容词 magnus -a -umtemplum 必须要同性别、同个数(单/复)、同时态。and case, so the correct form is magnum (neuter nominative singular).
  • Something like templum magnus est is incorrect because magn-us does not agree with templ-um. To a Latin speaker, this would sound like nonsense.


Latin English
puella magna est. The girl is big.

Notes: In the same way, the adjective magnus -a -um must agree with puella in gender, number, and case, so the correct form is magna (feminine nominative singular, a-declinatio).


Latin English
Puer currit. The boy is running.
Puerī currunt. The boys are running

Notes: You may notice that, when pluralized, "currit" becomes "currunt". The original spelling was probably "currint", but changed to "currunt" over time to make it easier to say. This is true of any pluralized verbs that would otherwise be ending in "-int".


Latin English
lūdī magnī sunt The schools are big.

Notes: The adjective magnus -a -um in this case must agree with lūdī in gender, number, and case, so the correct form is magnī (masculine nominative plural).



Third declension nouns and adjectives follow a different pattern. The nominative singular stem is not defined, and as such, any letter (or letters) can serve as a third declension stem. For example, Māter (mother) is a third declension noun in the nominative case. When pluralized, it becomes Mātrēs. "-ēs" is attached to the end of a third declension noun to pluralize it, as opposed to changing the ending completely, because there is no uniform way to do so given the third declension's random nature.

You may have also noticed that that the "e" in "Māter" was dropped when pluralized. This often happens when a stem is attached to a third declension noun of similar spelling (example, "Pater" (father) becomes "Patrēs")


Latin English
māter bona est The mother is good.
mātrēs bonae sunt The mothers are good.
pater magnus est The father is large.
patrēs magnī sunt The fathers are large.
amīcus fortis est The friend is strong.
amīcī fortēs sunt The friends are strong

Third declension nouns are listed with the nominative case and the genitive case to provide the main stem, which will be covered in a few lessons. All other nouns are also listed with the genitive for standardization, but often just the genitive ending is given. For example:

Latin English
pater, patris father
ōrātiō, ōrātiōnis speech
uxor, uxōris wife
canis, canis dog
proelium, -ī battle
oculus, -ī eye
amīcus, -ī friend

All other types of nouns are also generally listed with the genitive

Adjectives with a nominative ending in -is and the same stem in the nominative and in the other cases (eg. fortis) end in -e in the neuter and -ia in the neuter plural.

For example:

  • dies difficilis = the difficult day
  • proelium difficile = the difficult battle
  • proelia difficilia = the difficult battles


  1. 将下列句子翻译成中文
    1. dominus bonus
    2. lūdus malus
    3. puella magna
    4. trīclīnium est magnum
  2. 将下列句子翻译成拉丁文
    1. 好男孩
    2. 大主人
    3. 这间寺庙很大
    4. 这主人很坏


  1. 将下列句子翻译成中文
    1. 好主人
    2. 坏学校
    3. 大女孩
    4. 这饭厅很大
  2. 将下列句子翻译成拉丁文
    1. Puer bonus
    2. dominus magnus
    3. templum magnum est
    4. dominus malus est