C Sharp/Encapsulation
< C Sharp
public class Frog
private int _height = 0;
// Methods
public void JumpLow() { Jump(1); }
public void JumpHigh() { Jump(10); }
void Jump(int height) { _height += height; }
namespace PrivateSample
public class Person
private string _name;
// Methods
public Person(string name)
// Private members can only be modified by the internal methods or constructors of class
this._name = name;
public class Entry
static void Main(string[] args)
Person OnePerson = new Person("Samanta");
//OnePerson._name = "Sam"; // This causes a error of access level
namespace ProtectedSample
public class Person
protected string _name;
/// <summary>
/// When a class inherits from other class, it can access your protected and public members
/// above your created members
/// </summary>
public class Warrior : Person
public void SetName(string name)
// Protected members can be accessed by internal methods or constructors of class
// so, it can be accessed by inherit class too
base._name = name;
public class Entry
static void Main(string[] args)
Warrior OnePerson = new Warrior();
OnePerson.SetName("Glades"); // OK
// OnePerson._name = "Sam"; // This causes a error of access level too
// protected members can not be accessed by external scopes
namespace PublicSample
public class Person
public string Name;
public class Entry
static void Main(string[] args)
Person BeautifulPerson = new Person();
BeautifulPerson.Name = "Debora"; // OK, public member can be accessed by other scopes
namespace InternalSample
public class Person
internal string Name;
public class Entry
static void Main(string[] args)
Person BeautifulPerson = new Person();
BeautifulPerson.Name = "Debora"; // OK, internal member can be accessed by other
// scopes in same assembly supposing that Person is in another assembly, by example a
// library, the name cannot be accessed. In another assembly source, this causes an error:
// BeautifulPerson.Name = "Debora"; // Cannot access internal member
Protected Internal
[编辑]Protected internal的成员可由派生类的代码访问,也可由同一个assembly的代码访问。即它是protected 或 internal.[1]
namespace InternalSample
public class Person
protected internal string Name;
public class Entry
static void Main(string[] args)
Person BeautifulPerson = new Person();
BeautifulPerson.Name = "Debora"; // As above...
public class Book : InternalSample.Person
static void Main(string[] args)
InternalSample.Person BeautifulPerson = new InternalSample.Person();
string aName = BeautifulPerson.Name; // Can be accessed, as Book is derived from Person
[编辑]- ↑ Joe Mayo(2007年4月27日).Type Member Access Modifiers.C# STATION.于2011年8月12日查阅.原文:“Either code from derived type or code in the same assembly. Combination of protected OR internal.”