Template:Infobox airport
Template:Br separated entries | |
机场概览 | |
经纬度 | Template:Geobox coor |
{{Infobox airport | name =機場中文名稱 | ensign = | ensign_size = | ensign_alt = | nativename = | nativename-a = | nativename-r = | image =example.png | image-width =<!-- if less than 200 --> | image_alt = | caption =圖像說明 | image2 = | image2-width = <!-- if less than 200 --> | image2_alt = | caption2 = | IATA =IATA | ICAO =ICAO | FAA =FAA | TC =TC | LID =LID | GPS =GPS | WMO =WMO | type =民用、私用、軍用 | owner-oper =管理機構名稱 | owner =所有者 | operator =管理單位名稱 | city-served =所服務的城市 | location =地址 | opened = <!-- {{start date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | closed = 關閉日期<!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | passenger_services_ceased = <!-- {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | hub =航空公司 | focus_city = | built = <!-- military airports --> | used = 使用期間<!-- military airports --> | commander = 司令官<!-- military airports --> | occupants = 駐紮部隊<!-- military airports --> | timezone = | utc = | summer = | utcs = | elevation-f =海拔高度(英尺) | elevation-m =海拔高度(公尺) | metric-elev = | coordinates =坐標 | latd = | latm = | lats = | latNS = | longd = | longm = | longs = | longEW = | coordinates_type = | coordinates_region = | coordinates_notitle = | website = 官方網址<!-- {{URL|example.com}} --> | image_map =map.png | image_mapsize = | image_map_alt = | image_map_caption = | pushpin_map = | pushpin_mapsize = | pushpin_map_alt = | pushpin_map_caption = | pushpin_relief = | pushpin_image = | pushpin_label = | pushpin_label_position = | pushpin_mark = | pushpin_marksize = | r1-number = | r1-length-f =呎 | r1-length-m =米 | r1-surface = <!-- up to r12 --> | metric-rwy = | h1-number = | h1-length-f =呎 | h1-length-m =米 | h1-surface = 表面<!-- up to h12 --> | stat1-header =其它標籤 | stat1-data = 其它標籤數值<!-- up to stat4 --> | stat-year =數據年份 | footnotes =腳注 }} |
- nativename
- 當地使用的機場名稱,只限於使用拉丁字母的語言(如英語、法語、德語、西班牙語、意大利語、波蘭語等)。亦可作為同一語言的兩個名稱使用。
- nativename-a
- 當地使用的機場名稱,只限於不使用拉丁字母的語言(如日語、韓語、阿拉伯語、俄語等)。中文名稱不需使用。
- nativename-r
- 羅馬化的機場名稱,如Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng。這種情況下通常需要使用斜體。
- ensign
- 可選填,小型的英文標誌
- image / image2
- 影像檔案的名字,如
前綴) - image_alt / image2_alt
- 影像的替代文字,滑鼠在圖片上停留時顯示的文字。
- image-width / image2-width
- 以像素計算的影像寬度,如「175」(預設為「220」)
- 這一參數只應用於當放大至220像素時會顯示異常的較小圖片。
- caption / caption2
- 影像下方的文字。若留空,影像下方將沒有文字。
- 這一參數只應用於需要解釋的圖像,機場標誌或空照圖可以略去。
- 機場3字母的IATA機場代碼。若省略或留空則顯示為「IATA:無」。
- 機場4字母的ICAO機場代碼。若省略或留空則顯示為「ICAO:無」。
- 美國境內機場3或4字母的FAA代碼。若省略或留空則不顯示。
- TC
- 加拿大境內機場3或4字母的加拿大交通部代碼。若省略或留空則不顯示。
- 除ICAO或IATA代碼相同外,非美國或加拿大機場的代碼。若省略或留空則不顯示。
- 除ICAO或IATA代碼相同外,GPS機場的代碼。若省略或留空則不顯示。
- 世界氣象組織對機場內氣象站的5位號碼。若省略或留空則不顯示。
- type
- 機場只有以下類型的其中之一:民用、私用、軍用或軍用/民用。請勿使用「商用」或「公共」。
- owner-oper
- 若機場擁有者和管理者為同一人,則可用此取代「owner」和「operator」參數。
- owner
- 機場擁有者。
- operator
- 機場營運者,若非機場擁有者。
- city-served
- 若機場服務一個主要城市但位於一個較小的城鎮,請將主要城市列在此參數下並將較小的城鎮列在「location」參數之下。此參數沒有自動連結,以便加入多重連結。請避免加入旗幟模板。
- 例子:
city-served = [[巴黎]]
- 結果:巴黎
- location
- 機場所在的城市或城鎮名稱。請勿在此項填上街道地址。此參數沒有自動連結,以便加入多重連結。請避免加入旗幟模板。
- 例子:
location = [[法國]][[奥利 (瓦勒德马恩省)|奥利]]
- 結果:法國奥利
- opened
- 機場正式投入商業運作的日期。
- 例子:
{{start date|1989|09|22}}
- 結果:1989年9月22日
- closed
- 機場關閉的日期,無論是暫時性的還是永久性的,並加入關閉原因(只限於永久關閉)。請使用{{end date}}。
- passenger_services_ceased
- 機場客運服務轉移到其他機場的日期。當機場轉為其他用途時使用。只限於曾經提供客運服務的機場。請使用{{end date}}。
{{plainlist| * [[英倫航空]] * [[英國航空]] * [[維珍航空]] }} |
- focus_city
- 如果機場是重點機場,請於此處列出航空公司名稱。
- timezone and utc
- 此處會顯示機場所在的時區,可以加入連結。完整的列表可以在各國時區列表找到。
- 時區名可選填,但若使用則必須連同UTC一併使用,可以加入連結。完整的列表可以在時區列表找到。
- summer and utcs
- 此處會顯示機場遵守的夏令時間(如有),可以加入連結。完整的列表可以在各國時區列表找到。
- 時區名可選填,但若使用則必須連同UTC一併使用,可以加入連結。完整的列表可以在時區列表找到。
- elevation-f
- 英制海拔高度,只需填數字(英尺),顯示為「英尺(米)」,後面的公制數字由自動轉換產生。
- elevation-m
- 公制海拔高度,只需填數字(米),顯示為「米(英尺)」。
- website
- 機場官方網址。
- 例子:
website = {{URL|http://www.dfwairport.com/}}
- 結果:
[编辑]這些參數提供額外有關軍用機場的資訊。這些參數的名稱以Template:Infobox military installation的內容作為基礎。如此可以將該模板的資訊直接顯示而不需加入額外的資訊盒。
- built
- 結構建成的日期,通常以年表示。
- used
- 結構活躍地作為軍用的時段,通常以年表示。
- commander
- 目前的指揮官,用於現時仍有使用的結構。
- occupants
- 任何佔有該結構且值得注意的軍事單位。
- coordinates
- 機場的經緯度,根據{{Coord}}模板使用。當輸入座標時請確保地圖或影像可以顯示機場的位置。「N」、「S」、「E」、「W」非常容易混淆。若按以下方式使用,此機場亦會在Google地球的Geographic Web圖層出現。
- 例子:
coordinates = {{Coord|49|27|16|N|002|06|46|E|type:airport_region:FR|display=inline,title}}
- 結果:49°27′16″N 002°06′46″E / 49.45444°N 2.11278°E
- latd
- 緯度度數。亦可以小數表示。
- latm
- 緯度分數。若latd參數為小數則可略去。
- lats
- 緯度秒數。若latd參數為小數則可略去。
- latNS
- 北緯或南緯(北緯輸入「N」、南緯輸入「S」)。若latd參數為小數則可略去。
- longd
- 經度度數。亦可以小數表示。
- longm
- 經度分數。若longd參數為小數則可略去。
- longs
- 經度秒數。若longd參數為小數則可略去。
- longEW
- 東經或西經(東經輸入「E」、西經輸入「W」)。若longd參數為小數則可略去。
- coordinates_type
- 設定座標的類型參數。若此參數被省略或留空,類型會被設定為機場。一般情況下甚少會更改類型。
- coordinates_region
- 設定座標的地區。使用2位ISO 3166-1國家編碼或ISO 3166-2地區編號。例如英國是「GB」、加拿大安大略是「CA-ON」。
- coordinates_wikidata
- 若此參數不是留空,「latd」、「longd」參數被省略或留空,而座標存在於相應的維基數據頁面的話,座標會從維基數據提取。
- coordinates_notitle
- 座標預設會同時在資訊盒及條目標題顯示。若此參數不是留空,座標則祇會在資訊盒顯示。
- image_map
- 地圖圖像名稱,例如
- image_mapsize
- (選填)地圖圖像寬度,按像素計算。只需輸入數字,不需加上「px」。預設為「220」。
- image_map_alt
- (選填)地圖圖像的替代文字。若留空或省略,預設為與「image_map_caption」相同(或機場地點,如果沒有「caption」的話。
- image_map_caption
- (選填)圖像說明文字。
- pushpin_map
- 建基於Template:Location map的pushpin地圖名稱(例如「Indonesia」或「Russia」,可用名稱見Category:地理位置圖模板)。上述「coordinate」參數將自動在地圖上留下標記。
- pushpin_mapsize
- (選填)pushpin地圖的寬度,以像素計算。只需輸入數字,不需輸入「px」。預計為「220」。
- pushpin_map_alt
- (選填)pushpin地圖的替代文字。
- pushpin_map_caption
- (選填)圖像說明文字。
- pushpin_relief
- (選填)任何非留空值會導致模板顯示relief map影像,如有。詳情參見Template:Location map#Relief parameter。
- pushpin_image
- (選填)替代地圖影像的名稱,且必須擁有與「pushpin_map」參數內location map模板相同的邊界座標。不需輸入「File:」或「Image:」前綴。詳情參見Template:Location map#AlternativeMap parameter。
- pushpin_label
- (選填)pushpin標記旁的文字。預設顯示「name」參數。
- pushpin_label_position
- (選填)pushpin標記文字相對於pushpin標記的位置。有效值為「left」、「right」、「top」及「bottom」。預設為「left」或「right」,視乎標記的座標及地圖影像的右側邊界。
- pushpin_mark
- (選填)pushpin標記的圖像。預設為「File:Airplane silhouette.svg」。
- pushpin_marksize
- (選填)pushpin標記的大小,按像素計算。預設為「10」。不需輸入「px」,例如:「pushpin_marksize = 8」而非「pushpin_marksize = 8px」。
- metric-elev
- 在海拔參數填上任意字樣以公制前英制後地表示,留空則英制前公制後表示。
- metric-rwy
- 在跑道長度參數填上任意字樣以公制前英制後地表示,留空則英制前公制後表示。
- rn-number (r1-number, r2-number, ...)
- 跑道的方向,一般而言應有如「02/20」,前一數字比後一數字差18。若出現兩條或以上的平行跑道則附加一個英文字母,例如「L」為左側跑道、「R」為右側跑道、「C」為中央跑道。某些情況下跑道只可從一個方向升降,因此只有一個數字。美國的機場跑道編號的第一個零不使用,讀作「2/20」。
- rn-length-f (r1-length-f, r2-length-f, ...)
- 跑道長度(英尺)。
- rn-length-m (r1-length-m, r2-length-m, ...)
- 跑道長度(公尺)。
- hn-number (h1-number, h2-number, ...)
- 直升機坪的方向。在美國通常是字母「H」後加一個數字,如「H1」、「H2」等。
- hn-length-f (h1-length-f, h2-length-f, ...)
- 直升機坪長度(英尺)。
- hn-length-m (h1-length-m, h2-length-m, ...)
- 直升機坪長度(公尺)。
- statn-header (stat1-header, stat2-header, ...)
- 每項統計數字的簡潔描述,例如「乘客量」或「起降架次」。
- statn-data (stat1-data, stat2-data, ...)
- 與描述相對應的統計數字。
- stat-year
- 統計數字的年份。這一參數將以括號形式顯示於「統計」一詞的後面。
- footnotes
- 此參數通常用於為資訊盒內的資料提供參考來源。
[编辑]Template:Br separated entries | |||||
Template:Hlist | |||||
机场概览 | |||||
机场类型 | 公有/軍用 | ||||
營運者 | Polish Airports State Enterprise (PPL) | ||||
服務城市 | 華沙 | ||||
地理位置 | 波蘭華沙 | ||||
啟用日期 | 1934年4月29日 | ||||
樞紐航空公司 | |||||
海拔高度 | 362英尺(110米) | ||||
经纬度 | Template:Geobox coor | ||||
網址 | www.lotnisko-chopina.pl | ||||
地圖 | |||||
Template:Location mapLocation of airport in Poland | |||||
跑道 | |||||
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |||||
直升機停機坪 | |||||
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |||||
統計數據(2012年) | |||||
| |||||
This example shows the appearance of the infobox without an image.
It also shows the use of the parameters for latitude, longitude, and location/pushpin map.
Note: helipad information added to illustrate function of metric-rwy
{{Infobox airport | name = Warsaw Chopin Airport | nativename = ''Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie'' | nativename-r = Warszawa/Okęcie Airport | image = <!--leave blank, this is demo without image--> | IATA = WAW | ICAO = EPWA | type = Public / Military | operator = Polish Airports State Enterprise (PPL) | city-served = [[华沙|Warsaw]] | location = [[波兰]][[华沙]] ({{tsl|en|Okęcie||Okęcie}}) | hub = {{plainlist| *{{tsl|en|Bingo Airways||Bingo Airways}} *{{tsl|en|Enter Air||Enter Air}} *{{tsl|en|Eurolot||Eurolot}} *[[LOT波蘭航空]] *[[小星球航空]] *{{tsl|en|SprintAir||SprintAir}} *[[維茲航空]] }} | metric-elev = yes | elevation-m = 110 | elevation-f = 362 | website = {{URL|1=http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/passenger|2=www.lotnisko-chopina.pl}} | opened = {{Start date|1934|04|29|df=yes}} | latd = 52 | latm = 09 | lats = 57 | latNS = N | longd = 020 | longm = 58 | longs = 02 | longEW = E | coordinates_region = PL-MX | pushpin_map = Poland | pushpin_map_caption = Location of airport in Poland | pushpin_relief = yes | pushpin_label = WAW | metric-rwy = yes | r1-number = 11/29 | r1-length-m = 2,800 | r1-length-f = 9,186 | r1-surface = [[瀝青|Asphalt]] | r2-number = 15/33 | r2-length-f = 12,106 | r2-length-m = 3,689 | r2-surface = Asphalt | h1-number = H1 | h1-length-m = 40 | h1-length-f = 131 | h1-surface = [[混凝土|Concrete]] | stat-year = 2012 | stat1-header = Passengers | stat1-data = 9,587,842 | stat2-header = Movements | stat2-data = 118,320 | footnotes = Statistics: Warsaw Chopin Airport<ref name="stats2013">{{cite web|title=About the Airport: Statistics|url=http://www.lotnisko-chopina.pl/en/airport/about-the-airport/statistics|publisher=Warsaw Chopin Airport|accessdate=28 September 2013}}</ref><br/>Sources: Polish {{tsl|en|Aeronautical Information Publication||AIP}} at {{tsl|en|Eurocontrol||Eurocontrol}}<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ead.eurocontrol.int/publicuser/protect/pu/main.jsp |title=EAD Basic |publisher=Ead.eurocontrol.int |accessdate=2012-06-28}}</ref> }}
Example 2
[编辑]Template:Br separated entries | |
![]() | |
Template:Hlist | |
机场概览 | |
机场类型 | Public |
營運者 | 中国民用航空局 |
服務城市 | 北京市 |
地理位置 | 北京市朝阳区 |
啟用日期 | 1958年3月2日 |
樞紐航空公司 | 中国国际航空、中国南方航空 |
海拔高度 | 116英尺(35米) |
经纬度 | 40°04′48″N 116°35′04″E / 40.08000°N 116.58444°E |
網址 | www.bcia.com.cn |
跑道 | |
Template:Infobox airport/datatable |
This example shows the appearance of the infobox with an image and a caption.
It also uses both the nativename-a
and nativename-r
{{Infobox airport | name = Beijing Capital International Airport | nativename-a = 北京首都国际机场 | nativename-r = Běijīng Shǒudū Guójì Jīcháng | image = Beijing Capital Departure Hall.jpg | caption = Beijing Capital Departure Hall | IATA = PEK | ICAO = ZBAA | type = Public | operator = [[中国民用航空局]] | city-served = [[北京市]] | location = [[北京市]][[朝阳区 (北京市)|朝阳区]] | hub = [[中国国际航空]]、[[中国南方航空]] | elevation-f = 116 | elevation-m = 35 | coordinates = {{Coord|40|04|48|N|116|35|04|E|type:airport_region:CN|display=inline,title|name=Beijing Capital International Airport}} | website = {{URL|1=http://en.bcia.com.cn/|2=www.bcia.com.cn}} | opened = {{Start date|1958|03|02|mf=yes}} | metric-rwy = yes | r1-number = 18L/36R | r1-length-m = 3,800 | r1-length-f = 12,467 | r1-surface = [[瀝青]] | r2-number = 18R/36L | r2-length-m = 3,200 | r2-length-f = 10,499 | r2-surface = 瀝青 }}
Example 3
[编辑]Template:Br separated entries | |||||||
![]() | |||||||
Template:Hlist | |||||||
机场概览 | |||||||
机场类型 | Public | ||||||
所有者 | City of Dallas City of Fort Worth | ||||||
營運者 | DFW Airport Board | ||||||
服務城市 | Dallas/Fort Worth | ||||||
啟用日期 | 1974年1月13日 | ||||||
樞紐航空公司 | American Airlines, American Eagle Airlines | ||||||
海拔高度 | 607英尺(185米) | ||||||
经纬度 | Template:Geobox coor | ||||||
網址 | www | ||||||
地圖 | |||||||
Template:Location mapLocation within Texas | |||||||
跑道 | |||||||
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |||||||
直升機停機坪 | |||||||
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |||||||
統計數據(2005年) | |||||||
| |||||||
Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport
{{Infobox airport | name = Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport | image = Dfw_airport.jpg | IATA = DFW | ICAO = KDFW | FAA = DFW | type = Public | owner = City of [[達拉斯|Dallas]] City of [[沃思堡|Fort Worth]] | operator = DFW Airport Board | city-served = {{tsl|en|Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex||Dallas/Fort Worth}} | hub = [[美國航空|American Airlines]], [[特使航空|American Eagle Airlines]] | metric-elev = | elevation-f = 607 | elevation-m = 185 | website = {{URL|http://www.dfwairport.com/}} | opened = {{Start date|1974|01|13|mf=yes}} | latd = 32 | latm = 53 | lats = 49 | latNS = N | longd = 097 | longm = 02 | longs = 17 | longEW = W | coordinates_region = US-TX | pushpin_map = USA Texas | pushpin_map_caption = Location within Texas | pushpin_label = DFW | metric-rwy = | r1-number = 13L/31R | r1-length-f = 9,000 | r1-length-m = 2,743 | r1-surface = [[混凝土|Concrete]] | r2-number = 13R/31L | r2-length-f = 9,301 | r2-length-m = 2,835 | r2-surface = Concrete | r3-number = 17C/35C | r3-length-f = 13,401 | r3-length-m = 4,085 | r3-surface = Concrete | r4-number = 17L/35R | r4-length-f = 8,500 | r4-length-m = 2,591 | r4-surface = Concrete | r5-number = 17R/35L | r5-length-f = 13,401 | r5-length-m = 4,085 | r5-surface = Concrete | r6-number = 18L/36R | r6-length-f = 13,400 | r6-length-m = 4,084 | r6-surface = Concrete | r7-number = 18R/36L | r7-length-f = 13,400 | r7-length-m = 4,084 | r7-surface = Concrete | h1-number = H1 | h1-length-f = 158 | h1-length-m = 48 | h1-surface = Concrete | stat-year = 2005 | stat1-header = Passengers | stat1-data = 59,176,265 | stat2-header = Aircraft operations | stat2-data = 711,878 | stat3-header = Metric tonnes of cargo | stat3-data = 741,432 | footnotes = Sources: FAA<ref>{{FAA-airport|ID=DFW|use=PU|own=PU|site=23710.6*A}}</ref>, airport website<ref>[http://www.dfwairport.com/ Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport], official web site</ref>. }}
Example 4
[编辑]Template:Br separated entries | |
![]() | |
Template:Hlist | |
机场概览 | |
机场类型 | Military: Air Force Base |
營運者 | United States Air Force |
地理位置 | Dayton, Ohio |
使用期間 | 1948 - present |
司令官 |
海拔高度 | 823英尺(251米) |
经纬度 | Template:Geobox coor |
網址 | www |
地圖 | |
Template:Location mapLocation within Ohio | |
跑道 | |
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
This infobox shows the use of an image and linked text over the blue background in title area. It also makes use of some of the fields used for military airports.
{{Infobox airport | name = Wright-Patterson Air Force Base | ensign = [[File:Air Force Materiel Command.png|100px]] | nativename = {{smaller|[[美国空军装备司令部|{{white|Air Force Materiel Command}}]]}} | image = National Museum of the United States Air Force.jpg | image-width = 250 | caption = [[美国空军国家博物馆|National Museum of the United States Air Force]] | IATA = FFO | ICAO = KFFO | FAA = FFO | type = Military: [[軍用機場|Air Force Base]] | operator = [[美国空军|United States Air Force]] | location = [[代顿 (俄亥俄州)|Dayton, Ohio]] | built = <!--1948--> | used = 1948 - present | commander = <div> * [[上将 (美国)|Gen.]] Bruce Carlson - [[美国空军装备司令部|Air Force Materiel Command]] * [[上将 (美国)|Brig. Gen.]] Bruce E. Davis - {{tsl|en|445th Airlift Wing||445th Airlift Wing}} * {{tsl|en|Colonel (United States)||Col.}} Colleen M. Ryan - {{tsl|en|88th Air Base Wing||88th Air Base Wing}} and Installation Commander </div> | occupants = | elevation-f = 823 | elevation-m = 251 | website = {{URL|http://www.wpafb.af.mil/}} | latd = 39 | latm = 49 | lats = 34 | latNS = N | longd = 084 | longm = 02 | longs = 54 | longEW = W | coordinates_region = US-OH | pushpin_map = USA Ohio | pushpin_map_caption = Location within Ohio | pushpin_label = Wright-Patterson AFB | r1-number = 5L/23R | r1-length-f = 12,601 | r1-length-m = 3,841 | r1-surface = {{tsl|en|Porous European Mix||PEM}} | r2-number = 5R/23L | r2-length-f = 7,000 | r2-length-m = 2,134 | r2-surface = [[瀝青|Asphalt]] | footnotes = Sources: FAA<ref>{{FAA-airport|ID=FFO|use=PR|own=MA|site=17827.*A}}</ref>, official website<ref>[http://www.wpafb.af.mil/ Wright-Patterson Air Force Base] (official site)</ref>. }}
Example 5
[编辑]Template:Br separated entries | |
Template:Hlist | |
机场概览 | |
机场类型 | Public |
服務城市 | Buri Ram, Thailand |
海拔高度 | 590英尺(180米) |
经纬度 | Template:Geobox coor |
地圖 | |
Template:Location mapLocation of airport in Thailand | |
跑道 | |
Template:Infobox airport/datatable | |
This infobox shows the use optional parameters for the location/pushpin map.
{{Infobox airport | name = Buri Ram Airport | nativename-a = {{lang|th|ท่าอากาศยานบุรีรัมย์}} | IATA = BFV | ICAO = VTUO | type = Public | city-served = {{tsl|en|Buri Ram||Buri Ram}}, [[泰国|Thailand]] | elevation-f = 590 | latd = 15 | latm = 13 | lats = 46 | latNS = N | longd = 103 | longm = 15 | longs = 04 | longEW = E | coordinates_region = TH | pushpin_map = Thailand | pushpin_mapsize = 220x300 <!--limit height to 300px--> | pushpin_map_caption = Location of airport in Thailand | pushpin_image = Thailand location map Topographic.png | pushpin_label = <span style="color:yellow; font-weight:bold; font-size:larger; text-shadow: black 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em">BFV</span> | pushpin_label_position = bottom | pushpin_mark = Yellow_pog.svg | pushpin_marksize = 11 | metric-rwy = y | r1-number = 04/22 | r1-length-m = 2100 | r1-surface = Asphalt | footnotes = Source: {{tsl|en|Aeronautical Information Publication||AIP}} Thailand<ref name="AIP">{{cite web | url = http://www.aisthai.go.th/webais/pdf/AERONAUTICALCHARTS/VTUO.pdf | title = VTUO – BURI RAM | format = [[便携式文档格式|PDF]] | publisher = [http://www.aisthai.go.th/ AIP Thailand] | accessdate = 20 August 2012}}</ref> }}
References for examples
[编辑]- ↑ About the Airport: Statistics.Warsaw Chopin Airport.於2013年9月28日查閱.
- ↑ EAD Basic.Ead.eurocontrol.int.於2012年6月28日查閱.
- ↑ Template:FAA-airport
- ↑ Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport, official web site
- ↑ Template:FAA-airport
- ↑ Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (official site)
- ↑ VTUO – BURI RAM(PDF).AIP Thailand.於2012年8月20日查閱.
[编辑]参数 | 描述 | 类型 | 状态 | |
Name | name | The name of the airport in English | 字符串 | 可选 |
Nativename | nativename | Airport name in a native language using Western characters (French, German, Spanish, etc.) | 字符串 | 可选 |
Nativename-a | nativename-a | Airport name in a native language with non-Western characters (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.), such as ????????. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Nativename-r | nativename-r | Use in conjunction with above for Romanized name of the airport. In such cases the Romanized name should be in italics. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Ensign | ensign | A small ensign using image syntax such as {{tsl|en|File:Example.png||100px}}. | 内容 | 可选 |
Image | image | The name of image file, such as Airport.png or Logo.gif (do not include the File: or Image: prefix). | 页面名称 | 可选 |
Image-Width | image-width | The image width in pixels, i.e., 175 (defaults to 220 if not specified). | 数字 | 可选 |
Image Alternative | image_alt | Alternative text for the images. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Caption | caption | Text displayed beneath the image. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. This should only be used for photographs that require an explanation; it should be omitted for airport logos and may be omitted for aerial photographs. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Image2 | image2 | The name of image file, such as Airport.png or Logo.gif (do not include the File: or Image: prefix). | 页面名称 | 可选 |
Image2-Width | image2-width | The image width in pixels, i.e., 175 (defaults to 220 if not specified). This should only be used for smaller images which would appear distorted when expanded to a width of 220px. | 数字 | 可选 |
Image2 Alternative | image2_alt | Alternative text for the images. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Caption2 | caption2 | Text displayed beneath the image. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. This should only be used for photographs that require an explanation; it should be omitted for airport logos and may be omitted for aerial photographs. | 字符串 | 可选 |
IATA | IATA | The airport's three character IATA location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as IATA: none. | 字符串 | 可选 |
ICAO | ICAO | The airport's four character ICAO location identifier. If omitted or left blank it will display as ICAO: none. | 字符串 | 可选 |
FAA | FAA | The three or four character FAA location identifier for airports in the United States. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
TC | TC | The three or four character Transport Canada location identifier for airports in Canada. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
LID | LID | A location identifier for airports outside the US or Canada, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
GPS | GPS | A Global Positioning System code for the airport, if other than ICAO or IATA codes. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
WMO | WMO | The World Meteorological Organization five digit code for the weather station at the airport. If omitted or left blank, nothing is displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Type | type | Airport type should be one of the following: Public, Private, Military or Military/Public. Do not use Commercial, General or Civil. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Owner-Operator | owner-oper | If the airport is owned and operated by the same entity, use this in place of owner and operator. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Owner | owner | Name of the airport owner. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Operator | operator | Name of the airport operator, if not the owner. | 字符串 | 可选 |
city-served | city-served | If the airport is associated with a major city but actually located in a smaller town, list the major city here and the smaller town under location. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Location | location | Name of the town or city where the airport is located. Do not put the airport's street address in this field. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Opened | opened | The date when the airport originally opened for commercial service. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Closed | closed | The date when the airport closed, either temporarily or permanently, along with reason for closing (for presently closed airports only). Use {{end date}}. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Passenger Services Ceased | passenger_services_ceased | The date when passenger services to the airport ceased due to conversion of the airport for another use, along with the new use for the airport. Only for airports that previously had passenger services. Use {{end date}}. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Hub | hub | If the airport serves as an hub, list the airlines here. This is not automatically linked, in order to allow multiple links if needed. Use {{plainlist}} if the list is long. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Focus City | focus_city | If the airport serves as a focus city | 字符串 | 可选 |
Built | built | The date when the structure was built, usually given in years. | 单行文本 | 可选 |
Used | used | The period during which the structure was in active military use, usually given in years. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Commander | commander | The current commanding officer, for structures currently in military use. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Occupants | occupants | Any notable military units which occupy the structure. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Timezone | timezone | Will give the time zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country. Timezone is optional, but if it is used, then utc must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets. | 数字 | 可选 |
UTC | utc | UTC time of the airport | 数字 | 可选 |
Summer | summer | If the time zone observes daylight saving time this will give the zone that the airport is in, can be linked. A list can be found at List of time zones by country. | 字符串 | 可选 |
UTCS | utcs | Summer is optional, but if it is used, then utcs must be used as well, can be linked. A list can be found at List of UTC time offsets. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Elevation In Feet | elevation-f | Height above mean sea level, in feet. | 数字 | 可选 |
Elevation In Metres | elevation-m | Height above mean sea level, in metres. | 数字 | 可选 |
Metric-elevation | metric-elev | Set to any value to display elevation in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first. | 数字 | 可选 |
Coordinates | coordinates | Latitude and Longitude of airport, specified using the {{Coord}} template | 数字 | 可选 |
Latitude In Degree | latd | Latitude degrees. Can also be used for decimal degrees. | 数字 | 可选 |
Longitude In Degree | longd | Longitude degrees. Can also be used for decimal degrees. | 数字 | 可选 |
Coordinates Type | coordinates_type | Set the type parameter for the coordinates. If this parameter is omitted or left blank, the type will be set to airport. It is unlikely that you would need to change this. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Coordinates Region | coordinates_region | Set the region parameter for the coordinates. Use either a two character ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code or an ISO 3166-2 region code | 字符串 | 可选 |
Coordinates Notitle | coordinates_notitle | By default the coordinates will be displayed both in the infobox and in the title of the article. If this parameter is set to a non-empty value, the coordinates will be displayed only in the infobox. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Website | website | External link to the airport's official website | 字符串 | 可选 |
Image Map | image_map | The name of an image to use as a map, such as Airport_map.png (do not include the File: or Image: prefix). | 页面名称 | 可选 |
Image Mapsize | image_mapsize | The width to display the image map, in pixels. Just the number, no "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220. | 数字 | 可选 |
Image Map Alternative | image_map_alt | Alt text for the image map. If left blank or omitted, this defaults to same text used in image_map_caption (or Location of {{{name}}} if no caption. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Image Map Caption | image_map_caption | Caption to display below the image map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Map | pushpin_map | The name of a location map as per Template:Location map (eg. Indonesia or Russia). The coordinate fields (eg. latd and longd) position a pushpin mark and label on the map automatically. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Mapsize | pushpin_mapsize | The width to display the pushpin map, in pixels. Just the number, without "px". If omitted or left empty, defaults to 220. | 数字 | 可选 |
Pushpin Map Alternative | pushpin_map_alt | Alt text for the pushpin map. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Map Caption | pushpin_map_caption | Caption to display below the pushpin map. If left blank or omitted, a caption will not be displayed. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Relief | pushpin_relief | Any non-blank value (yes, 1, etc.) will cause the template to display a relief map image, where available (see example 1). For additional information, see Template:Location map#Relief parameter. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Image | pushpin_image | Name of an alternative map image, which must have the same edge coordinates as the location map template specified via pushpin_map | 页面名称 | 可选 |
Pushpin Label | pushpin_label | The text of the label to place next to the pushpin mark . The default is the value of the name parameter. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Label Position | pushpin_label_position | The position of the label on the pushpin map relative to the pushpin mark (see example 5). Valid values are left, right, top and bottom. This defaults to either left or right, depending on the coordinates of the marker and its position relative to the right border of the map image. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Mark | pushpin_mark | The name of an image to display as the pushpin mark. The default is File:Airplane silhouette.svg ( Airplane silhouette.svg ). | 字符串 | 可选 |
Pushpin Marksize | pushpin_marksize | The size of the mark in pixels | 数字 | 可选 |
r1-Number | r1-number | The designation of the runway, normally two numbers like this ? 02/20, 1st number is 18 lower than the 2nd. Where there are parallel runways an additional letter is added to each number, for example "L" for left, "R" for right and "C" for center. In certain cases a runway will only have one number when it can only be used in one direction. For airports in the United States the leading zero is not used and the designation should read 2/20. | 数字 | 可选 |
r1-Length-In Feet | r1-length-f | Runway length in feet. | 数字 | 可选 |
r1-Length-In Metres | r1-length-m | Runway length in metres. | 数字 | 可选 |
r1-Surface | r1-surface | Runway surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, Gravel, Grass (or Turf), Dirt, Water, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Metric-runway | metric-rwy | Set to any value to display runway length in metric units (metres) before imperial/US units (feet); leave blank to display imperial/US units first | 字符串 | 可选 |
h1-Number | h1-number | The designation of the helipad. In the United States this is usually the letter "H" followed by a number, i.e. "H1", "H2", etc. | 数字 | 可选 |
h1-Length-In Feet | h1-length-f | Helipad length in feet. | 数字 | 可选 |
h1-Length-Metre | h1-length-m | Helipad length in metres. | 数字 | 可选 |
h1-Surface | h1-surface | Helipad surface type, such as: Concrete, Asphalt, etc. Avoid the generic type "Paved" if possible. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Stat1-Header | stat1-header | A brief description of each statistic, such as Passengers or Aircraft operations. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Stat1-Data | stat1-data | The data associated with the corresponding header. | 字符串 | 可选 |
Stat-Year | stat-year | The calendar year for the statistics. This is displayed in parentheses after the word "Statistics" in the section header. | 单行文本 | 可选 |
Footnotes | footnotes | The most common use for this field is to give sources or references for the data displayed in the infobox | 字符串 | 可选 |
latitude In Minute | latm | Latitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. | 数字 | 可选 |
Latitude In Seconds | lats | Latitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. | 数字 | 可选 |
Latitude North-South | latNS | Latitude North or South (enter N or S). Omit or leave blank if latd has a decimal value. | 数字 | 可选 |
Longitude In Minute | longm | Longitude minutes. Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. | 数字 | 可选 |
Longitude In Seconds | longs | Longitude seconds. Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. | 数字 | 可选 |
Longitude East-West | longEW | Longitude East or West (enter E or W). Omit or leave blank if longd has a decimal value. | 字符串 | 可选 |
[编辑]- Hidden tracking/maintenance category
Template:Buildings and structures infobox templates Category:Templates that add a tracking category
上述文档嵌入自Template:Infobox airport/doc。 (编辑 | 历史) 编者可以在本模板的沙盒 (创建 | 镜像)和测试样例 (创建)页面进行实验。 请在/doc子页面中添加分类。 本模板的子页面。 |