(英文)Copyright Act of the Republic of China in effect in Taiwan:
Article 9
The following items shall not be the subject matter of copyright:
- The constitution, acts, regulations, or official documents.
- Translations or compilations by central or local government agencies of works referred to in the preceding subparagraph.
- Slogans and common symbols, terms, formulas, numerical charts, forms, notebooks, or almanacs.
- Oral and literary works for news reports that are intended strictly to communicate facts.
- Test questions and alternative test questions from all kinds of examinations held pursuant to laws or regulations.
The term "official documents" in the first subparagraph of the preceding paragraph includes proclamations, text of speeches, news releases, and other documents prepared by civil servants in the course of carrying out their duties.
This work is from any of the items above and is in the public domain in Taiwan administered by the Republic of China and possibly other jurisdictions.
(英文)ROC Copyright Act Article 50
- Works publicly released in the name of a central or local government agency or a public juristic person may, within a reasonable scope, be reproduced, publicly broadcast, or publicly transmitted.
(中文) 中華民國(臺灣)著作權法:
- 第九條 (著作權標的之限制)
- 下列各款不得為著作權之標的:
- 一、憲法、法律、命令或公文。
- 二、中央或地方機關就前款著作作成之翻譯物或編輯物。
- 三、標語及通用之符號、名詞、公式、數表、表格、簿冊或時曆。
- 四、單純為傳達事實之新聞報導所作成之語文著作。
- 五、依法令舉行之各類考試試題及其備用試題。
- 前項第一款所稱公文,包括公務員於職務上草擬之文告、講稿、新聞稿及其他文書。
- (中文)中華民國九十六年著作權法法條第五十條內容
- 以中央或地方機關或公法人之名義公開發表之著作,在合理範圍內,得重製、公開播送或公開傳輸。