[編輯]Structure and function of neurons
[編輯]Excitatory and inhibitory process
[編輯]中樞神經系統qwdadqwdasdqwdsx(Central Nervous System)
[編輯]Generation & propagation of an action potential
[編輯]The Nerve Impulse
[編輯]Factors that affect sensitivity and speed
[編輯]邊緣系統(Limbic System)和更高的心智功能
[編輯]扣帶皮層(Cingulate Gyrus)
[編輯]Diseases of the Limbic System
[編輯]An Autism Link
[編輯]Case Study
[編輯]外側神經索(Lateral cord)
[編輯]後側神經索(Posterior cord)
[編輯]Medial cord
[編輯]Other thoracic spinal nerves (T3-T12)
[編輯]The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems
[編輯]Information transmission
[編輯]Relationship to sympathetic
[編輯]Types of Neurons
[編輯]Structure of a neuron
[編輯]髓鞘(Myelin Sheath)
[編輯]Review Questions
[編輯]- 傳入訊息(Afferent Messages)
- 傳入身體的訊息,像是冷、熱、疼痛……等
- 自主系統(Autonomic System)
- deals with the visceral organs, like the heart, stomach, gland, and the intestines
- 軸突(Axon)
- the part of the neuron that conducts nerve impulses
- 大麻(Cannabis)
- a psychoactive drug produced from parts of the cannabis plant
- 中樞神經系統(Central Nervous System,CNS)
- the system that includes the brain and the spinal cord
- 小腦(Cerebellum)
- part of the brain that is located posterior to the medulla oblongata and pons, coordinates skeletal muscles to produce smooth, graceful motions
- 腦脊液(Cerebrospinal Fluid,CSF)
- acts a shock absorber for the central nervous system, protecting the brain and spinal cord from injury; it also has a high glucose content which serves as a nutritional factor
- 大腦(Cerebrum)
- motor control, learning, speech, somatic sensory functions, vision,hearing and more.
- 樹突(Dendrites)
- short pieces that come off of the cell body that receive the signals from sensory receptors and other neurons
- 情節記憶(Episodic Memory)
- represents our memory of events and experiences in a serial form
- 興奮性神經傳導物質(Excitatory Neurotransmitter)
- a neurotransmitter that acts to elicit an action potential by opening sodium ion channels
Longitudinal Sulcus: separates the cerebrum in to the right and left hemispheres
- 長期記憶(Long Term Memory)
- used for storage of information over a long time
Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) long term communication enhancement between two neurons. Results in neural pathways that store memoris.
- 髓質(Medulla)
- control center for respiratory, cardiovascular and digestive functions.
- 髓磷脂(Myelin)
- a fatty substance that surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers and facilitates the conduction of the nerve impulse transmissions
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): disease that affects the CNS by causing hardening and scaring of the myelin
- 蘭氏結(Nodes of Ranvier)
- unmyelinated gaps between sections of myelin
- 週邊神經系統(Peripheral Nervous System,PNS)
- a way of communication from the central nervous system to the rest of the body by nerve impulses that regulate the functions of the human body
- 橋腦(Pons)
- control centers for respiration and inhibitory functions.
Postganglionic Cells: have their cell bodies in the ganglia and send their axons to target organs or glands
Postsynaptic Cells the cell on the receiving (second) end of the synapse.
Presynaptic Cell The cell on the sending (first) end of the synapse.
Proprioception the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where various parts of the body are located in relation to each other.
Sensory Receptor: structure that can find any kind of change in it's surroundings or environment
- 軀體神經系統(Somatic Nervous System,SNS)
- the part of the peripheral nervous system associated with the voluntary control of body movements through the action of skeletal muscles, and also reception of external stimuli
- 突觸(Synapses)
- 兩神經之間的空隙。在人學習時,會長出新的突觸