很多情況下,用戶可能希望創建自己的標題格式,而非沿用LaTeX預設的格式。對於一些如基本文章(basic articles)這樣的短文檔, \maketitle
通常是滿足要求的,但是對於書籍和報告這類長文檔,經常會涉及到更多的格式要求。 雖然可以改變\maketitle
的輸出,但是這一方式,即使對標題進行少量的修改可能都是一個複雜的過程。 這時通過scratch創建標題通常是更好的選擇, 本部分我們對如何實現這一工作進行說明。
[編輯]多數文檔類型提供了簡單界面,在這一界面中存儲了標題顯示以及排版的細節。標準的類型只提供了四種 storing命令(\title
and \date
來進行排版。 具體的佈局由使用的文檔類型來決定。
如果 \date
如果不希望顯示日期,使用 \date{}
並不實際輸出, 所以應該在
請注意下面對應 KOMA-script 和 memoir
[編輯]Normally, the benefit of using LaTeX instead of traditional word processing programs is that LaTeX frees you to concentrate on content by handling margins, justification, and other typesetting concerns. On the other hand, if you want to write your own title format, it is exactly the opposite: you have to take care of everything--this time LaTeX will do nothing to help you. It can be challenging to create your own title format since LaTeX was not designed to be graphically interactive in the adjustment of layout. The process is similar to working with raw HTML with the added step that each time you want to see how your changes look, you have to re-compile the source. While this may seem like a major inconvenience, the benefit is that once the customized title format has been written, it serves as a template for all other documents that would use the title format you have just made. In other words, once you have a layout you like, you can use it for any other documents where you would like the same layout without any additional fiddling with layout.
First step: since you'll be working only on the first page of your document and you'll have to compile very often, you don't have to compile the whole document each time, you only need to take a look at the first page. That is why we'll first create a dummy document for preparing the title and then we'll simply include it within the existing big document we are writing. Call the dummy document test_title.tex and put the following code in it:
It is meant to be compiled with pdflatex
to create a PDF in output. It is a very basic document, but take care that it has the same settings of the document you are writing, so the output won't change when you include the title in your document. In this case (see the first line) the font size is set to 12pt and the paper size is an A4. The package graphicx
is included to insert an image in the title. Then a command is defined called \HRule
; it will just insert a horizontal line whose length is like the size of the paper and whose thickness is 0.5 mm. If you want you can change its settings in the definition. Finally the document starts and it simply includes the title.tex file, that must be placed in the same directory of our dummy file test_title.tex.
Now create the title.tex and write in it:
all the things you want to put in the title must be inside the titlepage
environment. Now if you compile test_title.tex you will see a preview of your title in the test_title.pdf file. Here is what you need to know to write your title:
- Alignment
- if you want to center some text just use
\begin{center} ... \end{center}
. If you want to align it differently you can use the environmentflushright
for right-alignment andflushleft
for left alignment. - Images
- the command for including images is the following (the example is for a small logo, but you can introduce any image of any size):
. There is no\begin{figure}
as you usually do because you don't want it to be floating, you just want it there where you placed it. When handling it, remember that it is considered like a big box by the TeX engine. - Text size
- If you want to change the size of some text just place it within brackets, {like this}, and you can use the following commands (in order of size):
. So for example:
{\large this text is slightly bigger than normal}, this one is not
is used to create text at the default size for the document.- New lines
- you can force the start of a new line by
. If you want to add more vertical space you don't need to use several new-line commands, just insert some vertical space. For example, this way\\[1cm]
you start a new line after having left 1 cm of empty space. - 日期
- you can insert the date of the current day with the command
. If you do not wish to insert any date, keep it blank e.g.\date{}
- Filling the page
- the command
keeps on adding empty spaces until the page is full. If you put it in the page, you are sure that all the following text will be placed at the bottom of the page.
[編輯]All these tips might have made you confused. Then, here is a practical example. Get the test_title.tex described above and here is an example of a title.tex. On the right you can see the output after you compile test_title.tex in PDF:
The picture is from a file called logo.png that is in the same directory of both title.tex and test_title.tex. Since I wanted to insert both the author and supervisor names properly aligned I used a trick: I created two small minipages, one on left and one on the right. Their width is a bit less than half of page width (as you can see, they are exactly 40% of the text width). Within the minipages I have used different alignments. Using \vfill
I could write the date exactly at the bottom of the page.
As you can see, the code looks "dirtier" than standard LaTeX source because you have to take care of the output as well. If you start changing font's output it will get more confused, but you can do it: it's only for the title and your complicated code will be isolated from all the rest within its own file title.tex.
[編輯]Assuming that your title page is now contained in a file named title.tex, it must be placed in the same directory as the main document. In order to integrate it, the input command must be used by placing \input{./title.tex}
at the top of the document. Don't forget to add the commands \usepackage{graphicx}
and \newcommand{\HRule}{\rule{\linewidth}{0.5mm}}
in the preamble section as well.
For example, the top section of your document would look like:
意大利用戶也許還想要使用frontespizio [2]宏包。它定義了在意大利使用的卷首圖片。
宏包authblk [3]提供了一種新的排版作者的方式, 這在向沒有提供模板的期刊提交文稿時特別有用。
[編輯]The titlepages package presents many different styles for title pages.
TeX.SE has a collection of titlepages.
Another small collection can be found on Github.