
滿語/第9節課 - 副詞




Dialogue & Translation

Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1
gehun xun alin de tuhefi 白日依山盡 (the bright sun extinguishes itself on the mountain)
suwayan bira mederi de eyeme dosimbi 黃河入海流 (the yellow river flows into the sea)
minggan ba i goroki be sabuki seci 欲竅千里目 (if you would like to see for 1000 li)
elei emu jergi taktu de tafaci acambi 更上一層樓 (then go up one more level)
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Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2
tere inenggi, han hendume: musei gurun i gebu daci manju, hada, ula, yehe, hoifa kai. On that day the Khan said: the original names of our nation are Manchu, Hada, Ula, Yehe, and Hoifa.
tere be ulhirakv niyalma juxen sembi. juxen serengge sibei coo mergen i hvncihin kai. People who do not know this call as Jurchens. These 'Jurchens' are blood relatives of the Sibe Coo Mergen.
tere muse de ai dalji. ereci julesi yaya niyalma muse gurun i da manju sere gebu be hvla. What relationship are they with us. From this onwards everybody will call our nation Manchu.
juxen seme hvlaha de weile. Those that call us Jurchens will be punished.
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Dialogue 3 Dialogue 3
sini boo yabade tehebi? Where is your house located?
mini boo tokso i dergi ergi de tehebi My house is located on the east side of the village
sini boode udu giyan boo bi? How many rooms are there in your house?
ilan giyan bi, wargi boo, dergi boo, tulergi giyan boo bi There are three rooms, a west room, an east room, and an outside room.
suwe ai erinde gurime jihengge? When did you move here?
sunja aniya i onggolo Five years ago
aiba deri gurime jihengge? Where did you move here from?
tokso i julergi ergi deri gurime jihengge From the south side of the village.


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滿文 漢文 滿文 漢文
acambi 會見、合好、聯合、合夥、相會、相遇 ai 什麼
ai dalji 有何相干、與你何干 ba 耙、地方、處所、位、座位、里
daci 起初、從前、素、平時 dalji 干涉、關係
deri 從、由 dosimbi 進、進入
ele/elei 愈,越發 eyembi 流、流動、漂流
eyeme dosimbi 流入 gehun 明亮的
giyan 理、道理、間 goroki 遠方
gurimbi 遷移 gurun 國、部落、一群人
hvncihin 親戚、親族 jergi 級、等級、水平、程度、陣、一般、等
julesi 往前、向前 kai 也、矣
mederi minggan
onggolo 以前、之前、河港 sabuki seci 想看
sabumbi 看見、見到 suwayan 黃(顏色);戊(天干)
tafambi 上高、往上爬 takto / taktu
tembi 坐、居住、當 tokso 村、屯、村莊
ulhimbi 懂 、曉得、領會 ulhirakv niyalma 不懂得人
weile 罪、罪行 xun 太陽、日
yaya 凡是、諸凡、所有





Adverbs are words that modify other words except for nouns. Adverbs usually express the time, place or degree of an action and typically answer questions such as how?, when? why? or where? Manchu adverbs can be primitive adverbs which are indeclinable words such as 『inu’ (yes) or they can be formed by adding suffixes (usually case markers) to the end of nouns, or pronouns. Most numerals can also be used as adverbs.

Some common Manchu adverbs include:

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Manchu English Manchu English
absi Where gaitai Suddenly
adarame How gemu All
aifini Already gubci All
ainu Why heni a bit
ambula Big, many ishunde Each other
ani Normally jaci Extremely
asuru Very jing In the process of (正)
atanggi What time juken At least
beri beri Each one kemuni Still
biretei All majige A bit
cohotoi Especially meni meni Each one
da ani As before mujakv Extremely
daci From the beginning naranggi Finally
dade In the beginning ne / te Now
dembei Very nokai The most
dule Originally siraduhai Afterwards
ele More teni Just then
elei More tuktan First time, start
elekei Almost umesi Very
emgeri Already ume Don't, can't
enteheme Forever ende Still haven't
esa Very urui Certainly
yooni All urunakv Certainly
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Some locational adverbs (with their noun form) include:

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Meaning Noun Locative (where) Directional (where to)
-la/-le/-lo -rgi -si
East dele dergi (wesihun)
West wala wargi (wasihvn)
South (juleri) julergi julesi
North amala amargi amasi
Middle dulin dulimbade
In front (juleri) julergi julesi
Behind amala amargi amasi
Left hashv hashv ergi
Right ici ici ergi
Above dele,ninggu dergi ,ninggude wesihun
Below wala, fejile wargi, fejergi wasihvn
Inside dolo dorgi dosi
Outside tule (tuleri) tulergi tulesi
On top oilo oilorgi
Here ebele ebergi ebsi
There cala cargi casi
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