
模板:Infobox musical composition

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The template is very general and therefore offers a great choice of parameters. For a given composition, use only those of relevance, look first if the subset covers them. Parameters can be entered in several ways, to make the template consistent with other usages, for example parameters can be entered capital or lowercase. For multiple occurrences of a parameter, use {{flatlist}} or {{plainlist}}.

Subset version


Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox musical composition
| name                = 
| composer            = 
| image               = 
| alt                 = 
| caption             = 
| translation         = 
| native_name         = 
| native_name_lang    = 
| key                 = 
| catalogue           = 
| opus                = 
| genre               = 
| form                = 
| text                = 
| language            = 
| melody              =
| composed            = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|end_date={{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| performed           = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| published           = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| movements           = 
| scoring             = 
| misc                = 

Subset parameters

  • |name= title of the composition, using the common name
  • |image= a suitable free image
  • |alt= an alternative description of the image for readers who don't see it
  • |caption= description of the image
  • |translation= title in English, if the common name is in different language
  • |native_name= native title, if the common name is English
  • |native_name_lang= language of the native title/common title not in English
  • |type= the type of composition, e.g. cantata
  • |composer= composer of the piece
  • |genre= genre of the piece, such as choral music
  • |form= form, such as "string quartet"
  • |key= key, such as "C minor", "C-sharp major"
  • |catalogue= catalogue number, listing the catalogue with a link, such as K.
  • |opus= opus number
  • |year= year of composition if different from a date below
  • |text= text source for works with text such as songs and cantatas
  • |language= language of the text
  • |melody= open to name a melody or its writer, useful for hymns, songs and variations
  • |composed= time and location of composition if known and different from |performed=
  • |performed= date and location of notable performances, typically the premiere
  • |published= date(s) and location(s) of publishing
  • |movements= number of movements
  • |scoring= scoring
  • |misc= room to enter additional information

Hymn version


Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox musical composition
| name                = <!-- name(s) of hymn in quotation marks -->
| type                = <!-- the possibility to say what kind of hymn, such as "Spanish hymn", with the possibility to link to a list -->
| image               = <!-- without leading "File:" -->
| alt                 = 
| caption             = 
| translation         = <!-- to English, if hymn name is a different language -->
| native_name         = <!-- if hymn name is the translation -->
| native_name_lang    = <!-- two-letter code -->
| composer            = 
| genre               = [[讚美詩|Hymn]]
| occasion            = 
| text                = by <!-- text author(s) --> 
| language            = 
| written             = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|end_date={{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| based_on            = <!-- for example biblical quotation, example {{Sourcetext|source=Bible|version=King James|book=1 Corinthians|chapter=13|verse=1|range=–13}} --> 
| meter               = <!-- of the poetry -->
| melody              = <!-- name (in quotation marks) or source of traditional melody, or of hymn whose melody is used, or by composer(s) -->
| composed            = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|end_date={{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| published           = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| misc                = room for remarks

Full syntax infobox


Template:Parameter names example

{{Infobox musical composition
| name                = <!-- use |list_title= if list -->
| subtitle            =
| type                = 
| composer            = 
| image               = <!-- free image only -->
| image_size          =
| alt                 = 
| border              = <!-- Set to yes for a border -->
| caption             = 
| translation         = 
| native_name         = 
| native_name_lang    = 
| full_title          = 
| full_title_English  = 
| other_name          = 
| key                 = 
| catalogue           = 
| opus                = 
| ISWC                = 
| year                = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY}} (1583 & after only) -->
| period              = 
| genre               = 
| style               = 
| form                = 
| related             = 
| occasion            = 
| written             = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|end_date={{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| text                = 
| libretto            = 
| language            = 
| based_on            =
| meter               = 
| time                = <!-- time signature if unusual or worth mentioning -->
| composed            = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|end_date={{End date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| dedication          = 
| performed           = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} -->
| published           = <!-- {{Timeline-event|date={{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}}|location=}} --><!--supposedly hAudio microformat-->
| publisher           = 
| first_recording     = 
| duration            = <!-- {{Duration|m=3|s=45}}, optional h parameter for hours --><!-- supposedly hAudio microformat -->
| movements           = 
| scoring             = 
| solo                = 
| vocal               = 
| instrumental        = 
| comment             = 
| premiere_date       = 
| premiere_location   = 
| premiere_conductor  = 
| premiere_performers = 
| misc                = 

Additional parameters

  • |list_title= - use in place of 'name' if infobox is used in list article
  • |subtitle= subtitle, appears right below the title
  • |type= appears with the composer above an image: an (optional) help to characterize the composition if the name alone does not do it, especially if it is a foreign name, type for example Mass, String trio, Tone poem, Song cycle
  • |full_title= if the common name is not the full title
  • |other_name= other name(s) the work may be known by, such as Moonlight Sonata
  • |ISWC= International Standard Musical Work Code, such as "T-000.000.001-0"
  • |period= period of the composition such as "contemporary music"
  • |style= style of the composition, such as "Free atonality"
  • |related= related works, such a different version, a use in a later composition
  • |occasion= occasion for which the piece was commissioned or composed
  • |written= more general if "composed" can't be said or is not known
  • |libretto= text if it would be described as a libretto, for example for an oratorio
  • |based_on= for example the theme for variations, or a paraphrase
  • |meter= poetic meter
  • |time= time signature if unusual or worth mentioning
  • |publisher= company (or companies) which published the piece
  • |first_recording= date and location of the first recording
  • |dedication= name(s) of dedicatee(s)
  • |duration= duration of a typical performance, such as "12 minutes"
  • |solo= soloist(s)
  • |vocal= vocal performers
  • |instrumental= instrumental performers
  • |comment= comment for facts not covered otherwise
  • |premiere_date= date the piece was first played for the public
  • |premiere_location= premiere location, such as hall, city, country
  • |premiere_conductor= conductor who led the premiere
  • |premiere_performers= participants in the premiere

Image use


|image= may be useful for an image related to the composition, of an autograph manuscript, original printed edition or similar item, the composer, a dedicatee, a place of first performance, you name it. Please use it only if a free (public domain) illustration is available. Since musical compositions are not normally perceived primarily through their written form by the wider public, the visual presence of the written page does not have the same identifying function as it has for books, audio media or similar releases. Therefore, there will not normally be a good justification for including a non-free title page illustration under WP:NFC, as is typically done with such items.

For the same reason, including a non-free title page of an audio recording of the composition in question will also typically be excluded, because in the classical music tradition, no individual audio recording normally has any privileged status in representing the original composition. This may be different, however, for "official" premiere recordings of contemporary works.



Example 1 - Symphony

Symphony No. 5
Anton Bruckner作品

A portrait of Anton Bruckner
調性 B-flat major
目錄號 WAB 105
  • 1875年 (1875)–1876
  • 1877年 (1877)–1881
題詞 Karl von Stremayr
  • 1896年 (1896) (ed. Schalk)
  • 1935年 (1935) (ed. Robert Haas)
  • 1951年 (1951) (ed. Leopold Nowak)
錄製 1937年 (1937)
樂章 4
日期 1894年4月8日 (1894-04-08)
位置 Graz
指揮 Franz Schalk
{{Infobox musical composition
| name              = Symphony No. 5
| image             = Anton Bruckner.jpg
| caption           = A portrait of Anton Bruckner
| key               = B-flat major
| dedication        = [[Karl von Stremayr]]
| composer          = [[安东·布鲁克纳|Anton Bruckner]]
| catalogue         = [[Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner|WAB]] 105
| movements         = 4
| composed          = {{plainlist|
* {{Start date|1875}}–1876
* {{Start date|1877}}–1881
| premiere_date     = {{Start date|1894|04|08|df=y}}<ref>Paul Hawkshaw and Timothy L. Jackson. "Bruckner, Anton." In Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/40030 (accessed 4 June 2011).</ref>
| premiere_location = [[格拉茨|Graz]]
| premiere_conductor= [[Franz Schalk]]
| published         = {{plainlist|
* {{Start date|1896}} (ed. Schalk)
* {{Start date|1935}} (ed. Robert Haas)
* {{nowrap|{{Start date|1951}} (ed. Leopold Nowak)}}
| first_recording   = {{Start date|1937}} [[卡爾·貝姆|Karl Böhm]], [[德累斯顿国家管弦乐团|Dresden Staatskapelle]]

Example 2 - Hymn

Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
Hymn by Martin Luther

1567 publication
中文名 From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
Written 1534年 (1534)
文本 by Martin Luther
語言 German
  • of a secular song (1535)
  • probably by Martin Luther (1539)
出版 1535年 (1535)
{{Infobox musical composition
| name                = Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her
| image               = VomHimmel00007012.jpg
| caption             = 1567 publication
| translation         = From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
| native_name_lang    = [[德语|German]]
| composer            = 
| genre               = {{plainlist|
* [[讚美詩|Hymn]]
* [[聖誕頌歌|Christmas carol]]
| text                = by [[馬丁·路德|Martin Luther]]
| written             = {{start date|1534}}
| meter               =
| language            = German
| melody              = {{plainlist|
* of a secular song (1535)
* probably by Martin Luther (1539)
| published           = {{start date|1535}}

Example 3 - Songs

Wesendonck Lieder
Song cycle Richard Wagner作品

Portrait of Mathilde Wesendonck (1850) by Karl Ferdinand Sohn
目錄號 WWV 91
文本 Poems by Mathilde Wesendonck
語言 German
創作 1857年 (1857)–1858
評分 voice and piano
{{Infobox musical composition
| name                = {{nowrap|{{lang|de|Wesendonck Lieder}}}}
| type                = [[声乐套曲|Song cycle]]
| composer            = [[理查德·瓦格纳|Richard Wagner]]
| image               = File:Mathilde Wesendonck by Karl Ferdinand Sohn, 1850.jpg
| alt                 = 
| caption             = Portrait of Mathilde Wesendonck (1850) by [[Karl Ferdinand Sohn]]
| Title_English       = Wesendonck Songs
| catalogue           = [[Wagner-Werk-Verzeichnis|WWV]] 91
| text                = Poems by [[Mathilde Wesendonck]]
| language            = [[德语|German]]
| composed            = {{start date|1857}}–1858
| scoring             = voice and piano

Example 4 - original example of the template

Sub Arturo plebs
Johannes Alanus作品
年份 Late 14th Century
時期 Mediaeval
風格 Ars Nova
曲式 Motet

Note that the old parameters ("cover") should not be used when new infoboxes are created.

{{Infobox musical composition
| name     = Sub Arturo plebs
| image    = Nocover.svg
| alt      = Cover
| form     = [[經文歌|Motet]]
| composer = [[Johannes Alanus]]
| year     = Late 14th Century
| period   = [[中世紀音樂|Mediaeval]]
| style    = [[Ars Nova]]









See also


Template Data


Infobox musical composition模板資料

The template is very general and therefore offers a great choice of parameters. For a given composition, use only those of relevance, look first if the subset covers them.




List titlelist_title

use in place of 'name' if infobox is used in list article

Titlename Name title Title

title of the composition, using the common name; or name(s) of hymn in quotation marks

Subtitlesubtitle Subtitle

subtitle, appears right below the title

Typetype Type

appears with the composer above an image: an (optional) help to characterize the composition if the name alone does not do it, especially if it is a foreign name, type for example Mass, String trio, Tone poem, Song cycle

Composercomposer Composer

composer of the piece

Imageimage Image

a suitable free image; without leading "File:"

Image sizeimage_size Image_size


Image uprightimage_upright

See Module:InfoboxImage#Parameters and look for "upright"

Borderborder Border


Altalt Alt

an alternative description of the image for readers who don't see it

Captionimage_caption caption image caption Caption

description of the image

English nameTitle_English translation

title in English, if the common name is in different language

Native namenative_name Native_name

native title, if the common name is English

Native name languagenative_name_lang Native_name_lang

language of the native title/common title not in English

Full titlefull_title Full_title

if the common name is not the full title

Full title (English)full_title_English Full_title_English


Other nameother_name Other_name

other name(s) the work may be known by, such as Moonlight Sonata

Keykey Key

key, such as "C minor", "C-sharp major"

Cataloguecatalogue Catalogue

catalogue number, listing the catalogue with a link, such as K.


opus number, usually abbreviated

[[Opus number|Op.]] 9

International Standard Musical Work Code, such as "T-000.000.001-0"

Yearyear Year

year of composition if different from a date below

Periodperiod Period

period of the composition such as "contemporary music"

Genregenre Genre

genre of the piece, such as choral music; or "Hymn" if it's a hymn

Stylestyle Style

style of the composition, such as "Free atonality"

Formform Form

form, such as "string quartet"


related works, such a different version, a use in a later composition

Occasionoccasion Occasion

occasion for which the piece was commissioned or composed

Writtenwritten Written

more general if "composed" can't be said or is not known

Texttext Text

text source for works with text such as songs and cantatas

Librettolibretto Libretto

text if it would be described as a libretto, for example for an oratorio

Languagelanguage Language

language of the text

Based onbased_on

for example the theme for variations, or a paraphrase


poetic meter


open to name a melody or its writer, useful for hymns, songs and variations

Timetime Time

time signature if unusual or worth mentioning

Composedcomposed Composed

time and location of composition if known and different from "Performed"

Dedicationdedication Dedication

name(s) of dedicatee(s)

Performedperformed Performed

date and location of notable performances, typically the premiere

Publishedpublished Published

date(s) and location(s) of publishing

Publisherpublisher Publisher

company (or companies) which published the piece

First recordingfirst_recording First_recording

date and location of the first recording

Durationduration Duration

duration of a typical performance, such as "12 minutes"

Movementsmovements Movements

number of movements

Scoringscoring Scoring


Solosolo Solo


Vocalvocal Vocal

vocal performers

Instrumentalinstrumental Instrumental

instrumental performers

Commentcomment Comment

comment for facts not covered otherwise

Premiere datepremiere_date Premiere_date Premiere date premiere date

date the piece was first played for the public

Premiere conductorpremiere_conductor Premiere conductor premiere conductor Premiere_conductor

conductor who led the premiere

Premiere locationpremiere_location Premiere_location premiere location Premiere location

premiere location, such as hall, city, country

Premiere performerspremiere_performers Premiere_performers premiere performers Premiere performers

participants in the premiere

Miscmisc Misc

room to enter additional information

Audio sample?Audio sample?

